New Students

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Kagura POV

School was boring like usual. I was wearing layers and layers in this gelid weather. Erza, Mira and I were seniors here. Juvia, Lucy and Yukino were juniors while Wendy and Levy were sophomores. Though..I believe Levy can just skip her sophomore and junior years and graduate already. She's incredibly smart.

"It's still cold.." Mira said while rubbing both her arms to keep warm.

"I'll be spending most of my periods in the computer lab." I groaned. "Where it's air conditioned."

"Goodluck to you!" Erza strongly pat my back, causing me to slightly stumble forward.

"Uhm guys. Are those people familiar?" Mira pointed to a group of kids that looked lost.

I squinted my eyes to get a better look. Oh no. They woul-

"Hi Mira!" Romeo waved his hand and motion his group to come to us.

"N-nande.." Mira whispered.

(A/N nande means 'why' in Japanese)

"Uhm I didn't know you guys go here..I thought you guys were just tourists.." I mumbled but Rouge heard it.

"Well.." he scratched the back of his neck. "We're permanent residents here.."

"Where are the others?" Natsu asked while looking around campus.

"We're in different years." Mira giggled.

"If you want to find the juniors, they'll be in level 3, block C. While the sophomores are in level 5, block B." I pointed to two buildings that were side by side each other.

Gajeel raised an eyebrow (??) "Wendy and Levy are.."

Erza folded her arms. "Sophomores."

"AYE!" Gajeel and Romeo saluted before rushing off to the building.

"I think they liiikeee them!" Mira cooed in my ear.

I nodded my head.

"BRINNNGGGG" the bell rang.

Erza grabbed both of mine and Mira's wrist and pulled us into the building with the others on our tail.

*time skip*

I was walking side by side Rogue. I wonder how they're able to enrol in this school anyways. They live in a hotel and they don't even know what cash or being a student is!

"Hey Rogue."


"How are you and your.." I hesitated. "Siblings?"

"Uh.." he looked away. "Yes, we're siblings."

"Okay..well how are you and your siblings able to enrol here. It's a little weird. I thought you're only tourists. Also, you guys are staying in a hotel, aren't you?" I questioned.

I looked at him and saw him melting under my stare. Somethings wrong.

"Our house is under renovation so we stayed in a hotel for this moment. We moved here 2 weeks ago and we're coincidentally enrolled here. Abit difficult to adjust to the new environment." He explained.

I shaped my mouth to an 'o' before blushing madly. God I sound stupid! I hated being wrong.

"Well then this is our class. Literature." We stood in front of a turquoise door.

We exchange glances before I opened the door, revealing Ms Aries reading a book on the desk and some of the students were writing something on paper.

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