One Last Time

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Lucy POV

Juvia and I burst through the hospital door and saw Levy and Gajeel sleeping and leaning against each other.

"Wow." Juvia commented.

I frantically looked around and saw a door. "That must be the hospital room! C'mon." I yanked Juvia in the door.

But what shock me was Kagura and Rogue. He was resting his head on her bed and both were sleeping with smiles on their faces. They were the epitome of peace.

"Phew she's okay." Juvia smiled as she closed the door behind us.

I folded my arms and nodded. "Thank god."

"LEVY!LEVY!LEVY!" Someone screamed repeatedly.

I know that voice.


"Is that Natsu?" Juvia asked.

I shrugged and looked away. "I dou-"

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ROGUE?" The voice shouted.

"Natsu..don't you mean Kagura?" Another calmer voice replied, making Juvia straighten her posture.

Yep. Definitely Natsu.

I looked through the small window panel at the door and saw Natsu and Gray. They were talking to Gajeel about something. Suddenly, Natsu turned his head and face the door.

Like lightning, I slide down the door with Juvia on the floor beside me.

"Juvia! I can't face him...not now" I mumbled.

We exchanged glances and scrutinised the room for any form of escape.

Juvia pointed to a slightly opened window. "There."

I nodded and ran towards it.

"Wasn't Lucy just there?" I heard Natsu say.

I heard footsteps getting closer to the door.

Oh no way am I going to stay in the same house as pinkie. Using all my strength, I pry the window opened.

"Ow." I winced while blowing onto my red pained fingers.

Juvia gently grabbed my hand and jumped out the window. Luckily, Kagura's room was on the 2nd floor.

Natsu POV

I swear I saw Lucy. She looks horrified when she saw me.

"I think you're hallucinating." Gray opened the door and we looked around.

Only Kagura and Rogue were here.

"So I'm guessing Kagura remembers?" Gajeel chuckled.

He was behind us with Levy leaning against his arms and her eyes were barely opened.

"I think so. Her magic level seems like normal now." I said.

Gajeel nodded. "Shrimp as well." He glanced briefly at the solid script mage.

"Cool. So the only ones left ar-"

"Beep beep!"

It was Levy's phone.

"Oi shrimp your phone."

Levy rubbed her eyes and sighed. She took out her phone and on speaker.

"Yes, hello Erza-nee, where are you?"

"Walking home with Jellal."


"What's with the miss calls Levy?"

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