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A/N I will start writing more StingYu and RoGura!

Yukino POV

"I-I'm scared." A boy sulked while wiping his tears.

I couldn't control my body. I felt myself drawing nearer and nearer to him. "What's wrong?"

He place down his hands and stared at me in the eye. "I'm scared you won't come back with me!"

My eyes widened. He jumped onto me and hugged me tightly. "Please c-come home with me!" He cried.

I slowly felt myself melting into a hug. "I cant go home. This is my home," I mumbled.

I had no control of what I was saying or what I was doing. I don't even know who this boy is. The boy continued to cry and cry. I felt guiltiness clawed my heart. "H-hey don't cry!" I exclaimed.

"Then come home with me! Why won't you remember me!" He shouted with a hint of anger in his voice.

I was taken back by his outburst. I let go of him and slowly back away. "W-Who are you?" Was what came out my lips.

"P-please come home with m-me. Everyone m-miss you! I-I want to spend my life with y-you back in Magnolia. B-because I love y-you!" The boy sobbed.

"YUKINO WAKE UP!" Someone's voice pierced through my ears.

I jot up, panting. My heart was beating so quickly. That dream was so intense. Although, I feel..quite upset that it was all just a dream.

"Hey you alright?" Kagura asked while folding her blankets.

Kagura was my roommate. I slowly nod my head. "Just a bad dream."

"You were murmuring something."

"Oh it's probably just nonsense!" I laughed awkwardly.

Kagura shrugged before opening our room door. "Come on, it's almost 7. Time for our fun exclusive tour guide," Kagura sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes and waved her hands. I chuckled.

Kagura is probably the most sarcastic out of 8 of us. Sarcasm is her response to everything!


"We're having pancakes for breakfast. Mirajane style!" She licked her lips.

My eyes sparkled. "Give me 5 minutes to get ready!" I exclaimed. Mirajane is the best cook / baker ever. Her food is amazing. I'm drooling just thinking about it! When she cooks, it's like a treat.

I quickly took a short shower and put on a thick white sweater and black tights, since it was winter season currently. Then, I wore black sneakers to accompany it. The moment I entered the dining room, there were no pancakes left.

"Minna!" I cried fake anime tears. "Why didn't you save some for me?"

Lucy and Erza had crumbs of pancakes on their mouth and was busy sipping tea, not making any eye contact with me.

"You can have mine. I ate some toast so I'm quite full," Wendy sweetly offered.

I clapped my hands together and sat next to her before glaring at everyone else.

"You can't blame us! You were late," Lucy said with a mouthful of pancakes. Erza nodded her head vigorously.

"Alright you guys! Does everyone have at least 1 copy of the house key?" Levy checked.

She was on the kitchen counter with her macbook facing her. She had her phone on her cheek and was using her shoulder to support it. She was typing furiously on the laptop.

Lucy groaned. "When I lost my purse, I lost my keys!" She pressed her hair back with both her hands. "Stupid pink hair boy."

"Well who told you to help out?" Kagura bluntly stated.

Lucy rolled her eyes and folded her arms. "He and his friends fainted on the sidewalk. What do you expect me to do? I thought he died!" Lucy defended herself.

"Don't fight in the dining table." Erza warned.

"Yes ma'am!" Lucy stuttered.

"Okay whatever," Kagura chuckled.

Jellal POV

It took me, smacking both Natsu and Gajeel with a table, in order to wake them up.

"Remember the tour guide we're having today? Your shrim-" Gajeel jumped out of his bed and sprinted to the toilet while shouting. "SHRIMP! IM GOING TO SEE SHRIMP!"

Natsu tossed and turned in his bed, curling into a ball inside his blanket. "Luce doesn't remember me." He mumbled.

I sighed heavily and placed my hands on my hips. "Levy said she might bring her friends! So if she's friends with Lucy..don't you think Lucy might come to-"

Natsu jot up from his bed and tossed his blanket at Gray's face. He rushed towards the toilet and began slamming the door repeatedly. "Oi! You better not take a long time in there metalhead!" Natsu shouted.

"Stupid morons." Rogue commented.

"Mermaid Heel wanted you to help get Kagura back huh?"

"Unfortunately yes."

"And you agreed~" Happy cooed. Rogue death glared him. "I wish Lector and Frosch came. But I was scared it'd be too dangerous for them." Rogue groaned.

"Why did you agree?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you like her?"

"WHAT NO!" Rogue snapped with his eyes wide open.

I sat next to him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Denial isn't just a river in Egypt," I simply said.

I laughed as I watch Rogue turned into a bright shade of pink. "Idiot idiot idiot!" He repeatedly whispered.

"Should we do something about our clothes?" Romeo asked while looking in the mirror. "Wendy made it seem like there was something weird about our clothes."

I raised an eyebrow. "Wendy? Don't you mean Levy said that?"

Romeo blushed a deep shade of crimson red. "Yeah yeah! I mean Levy ahah," he rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"Someone misses Wendy a little too much." Sting teased.

"Come on. It's 6:30, we should head down the library," Lyon said while draping his blue jacket over him. ( A/N I have no idea whether it's a jacket or not but it's basically that dark blue top he had)

 ( A/N I have no idea whether it's a jacket or not but it's basically that dark blue top he had)

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