Jealousy Is A Killer

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A/N and you can tell that this chapter will have TONS of jealousy

Laxus POV

"Come on! Man up!!" Natsu yelled, imitating Elfman.

I sighed and fixed up my red tie. Minerva was spraying bottles and bottles of hair spray. She kept chanting 'MirAxus' over and over again. I really need to stop Mira from going over to Sabertooth.

"Remember Laxus!" Minerva exclaimed.

"What?" I grunted.

She sighed and smack my head with a hairspray bottle. "I want 33 MirAxus babies. Nothing less! But more would be better!" She squealed.

"That's quite a lot.." I heard Meredy mutter while blushing furiously.

"H-hey! What are you thinking over there!" I shouted.

Lyon was grinning. "But don't forget the main objective."

I nodded. "Right."

"Be courteous when asking questions towards her parents." Jellal reminded.

There was a gentle knock on the door."Hey, can I come in?" A soft voice spoke.

"Come in Wendy!!" Meredy chirped.

Wendy awkwardly wobbled in with Mira behind her...Mira looks stunning.

"Don't forget to blink, buddy," Minerva whispered while elbowing me gently.

I blushed and immediately stood up.

"Ready Mirajane?" I asked calmly.

She smiled cutely and held out her arm. "Come on. It's only a 20 minutes drive."

I nodded and smile.

Before we could open the door, someone from the outside knocked on it.

Mira quickly opened the door, revealing 2 boys.

"Hey, Mirajane." A tall guy said. He was wearing the school uniform.

This must be the punk Gajeel called 'Mike'.

"Hello, Mike! Looking for Levy? She's in her room." Mira informed bubbly.

Behind Mike was another guy. He looks like Gray except his hair was gelled to the side and he had blue eyes. He wore a bright blue blouse, tucked in navy jeans and black sneakers. He had a red rose in his hand.

"Oh hi, Jekku!!" Mira chirped.

"Hello there Mirajane. Is Juvia here?"

Before Mira could answer, Juvia and Levy burst out of their rooms.

"Wait let me get my jacket!!" Levy squealed before running to the coat rack and rummaging through to find her jacket.

Juvia giggled. She was wearing an aquamarine long sleeve flowy silk dress. Her hair was curly like usual.

"Jekku-Sama!!" She ran towards him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"For you." He grinned and gave her the rose.

"Cringe much?" Someone derided.

I looked behind and saw Gray. He had lifeless eyes and his hand was bleeding. There was water dripping from his hand and shards of glass on the floor.

"Did you break the glass.." Mira mumbled.

Jekku furrowed his eyebrows and walked in front of Juvia.

"What's wrong with you idiot?" He yelled.

Gray looked pissed.

"I just want to hang out with my Juvia and you have to bother us? YOU'VE BEEN DOING THIS SINCE DAY 1. JUST LEAVE US ALONE!" He shouted aggressively.

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