Shadow pt 5

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A/N prepare for the second round of chaos

Narrator POV

Kagura and Rogue stood side by side—in their fighting position. Kagura attempted to draw her sword but she realised she didn't bring it.

"Fuck." She muttered under her breath.

She was shaking with fear and so was Rogue but they couldn't afford to show that. Rogue glanced at the corner of his eyes and saw Happy and Lily clenching onto each other.

"Go." Rogue mouthed to them.

Happy gasped and shook his head left and right but Lily quickly pulled his arm and flew away from the scene.

"Aw nice to see you again Kagura!" Shadow laughed tauntingly. He look at Kagura with menacing red eyes and smirk. "I see you've remembered huh?"

Kagura gulped. "Yeah so what?" She said with a  shaky voice.

Suddenly, she felt a warm hand held hers. Out of fear, she swiftly turned around and saw Rogue smiling warmly to her.

"We can take him down," Rogue whispered as he gave her hand a tight squeeze.

"Don't be benighted," Shadow yawned.

Kagura took a deep breath and glared at Shadow. "What do you want?" She hissed.

Shadow faked a shock expressing. "You're the first person to ever hiss back at me!" He said in a mocking voice; sounded more like a jibe actually.

He stopped laughing and folded his arms. "Too bad though, it's all talk."

Kagura gritted her teeth. "I fear no man."

Shadow chuckled. "Okay Okay then." He sighed softly.

"It's cute though, two couples together after I tried separating them." Shadow clasped his hand together before ripping them apart.

"Fuck you!" Rogue blurted out.

"After I'm done with you, I'll go after the others." He winked and licked his lips.

"We're dead.." Kagura whispered.

Meanwhile with the others

"So do you?" Natsu asked eagerly.

Lucy smiled. "Natsu. How could I even begin. You were the one who brought me to my family..fairy tail." She felt tears welling her eyes.

"I don't know why I'm crying," she broke into a smile. "I want to go home.." she sighed softly.

Natsu stared at her—unsure whether to feel happy she remembered or sympathy. He pulled her into a hug and gently kissed her forehead.

"In time huh Luce?" He peered at the wall clock. It was 9:45.

Luce chuckled sorrowfully before breaking down into tears. "I was horrible to you Natsu. When we first met, why couldn't-i mean why didn't I remember?" She cried.

Natsu hugged her tighter. "It's alright, it was my fault for not finding you sooner or stopping Shadow when he attacked y-"

Suddenly, Lucy's eyes widened as she forcefully pulled herself away from Natsu.

"Natsu..S-Shadow! What happened to h-him?" She stuttered.

Natsu could sense the fear, he begin questioning himself. Where was Shadow anyways? Did the others back home capture him? He held Lucy's arm and smile a little.

"We'll be okay." He reassured but Lucy was shaking with fear.

"Is Lucy alright? She seems shook man," Gray sighed.

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