School Festival

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Narrator POV

It was the day of the school festival. The graduating seniors decided to combine classes and do a maid cafe.

"I look stupid.." Rogue muttered while twirling around and looking in the mirror.

"I'm not putting that on." Laxus grunted as he folded his arms.

As if on cue, our 3 favourite female seniors entered the room.

"Hey guys are you re-" Mira's eyes widened.

"What are you wearing Rogue?" She shouted.

Rogue turned into a bright shade of pink. "It w-was placed in the changing r-room so I.."

"Rogue." Kagura facepalmed. She walked towards him and took off his lace headband.

She leaned towards his ears which made him blushed even more.

"Boys are suppose to wear butler uniforms not maid costumes.." Kagura whispered in his ears.

"NANI!" He exclaimed.

Turns out, Rogue was wearing a maid outfit rather than the butler one.

Mira started laughing till she rolled on the floor. Erza had sparkles in her eyes.

"Yes, Rogue! Make it world wide that maid costumes are for boys too!" Erza cheered on.

Rogue immediately took out the black dress and ran behind a curtain. "I h-hate this." He mumbled.

"Hey guys! There's already a line!" Jellal notified while entering the room.

There was awkward silence before Mira started laughing again.

"YOU TOO?" Rogue screamed.

Jellal scratched the back of his neck. "Huh?"

"Boys are suppose to wear the butler uniform not the maid ones.." Kagura sighed.

Jellal blushed the colour of Erza's hair.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME EARLIER? I WENT OUT IN THIS ATTIRE!" He took off the dress and ran behind the curtain with Rogue.

"Sorry, we thought you had brains." Kagura derided before going out the room.

Mira glanced to the side and her face started to heat up.

Laxus was wearing a butler uniform. He changed without anyone knowing.

"Y-you look amazing!" Mira beamed.

"Impossible! The great Mirajane is blushing.." Rogue and Jellal thought.

"You're not too bad yourself, Mirajane." Laxus smirked while unconsciously blushing at the sight of Mira wearing a maid outfit.

"I told can call me Mira for short.." Mira mumbled.

The juniors all had different ideas. Gray's class was doing a cheesecake stall, much to Gray's dismay. Juvia's class was doing a play. However, Lucy's and Yukino's classes were doing a haunted house.

( A/N if you didn't know by now, Lucy and Yukino were in the same class)

At first, everyone was taken aback when they wanted to do a haunted house because it was out of the blue and disparate from the other classes but the principal thinks it was a great original idea.

"Lucy!" Juvia chirped while waving her hands.

Lucy placed down her hood and hugged her blue haired Friend. "Hey! What are you doing here? The play would start anytime soon."

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