Moving On From You (New Version)

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A/N finally posting the rewritten version heh, so the plot twist had issues so I did this instead !!

Juvia POV

"Why can't you?" Gray asked.

I bit my lip and let a tear slipped down my cheeks.

"I lost Jekku because of you! Because of you my life was twisted 360° without warning! You took everything away from me!" I cried, not thinking through my words.

I felt the pain rush in my mind. I wanted to release my anger and frustration. I didn't want to hold back anymore.



My eyes widened when I felt something watery drip onto my thighs. There was a water sword, pointing its sharp edge at Gray.

"What's this?" I stammered in fear as I took a step back.

"This is you Juvia! You did this!" Gray exclaimed in a happy tone as he smiled.

He touched the sword and it froze into ice immediately. It broke into pieces and shattered on the floor.

I was astonished. Where did it come from? Water can't..float in the air? I might have gotten an E for my Physics but I know that it's impossible.

"H-how? What?" I shouted.

Gray chuckled and held his hand.

"Juvia. You might not remember me so I'll make you remember," Gray lift his arm and a blue circle? With intricate details appeared between us.

He smiled and started twirling his fingers.

"Once, there was this rain woman."

A mini figure made of solid ice rose from the ground. It had curled up hair and an umbrella.

"The Hell! How?" I shouted loudly.

He placed his index finger on his lips.

"Let me continue please? Without questions," Gray chuckled.

I folded my arms, "Whatever," I gulped and puffed my cheeks.

"She brought rain everywhere she goes!"

The ice figure started walking around the circle and some sort of ice droplets fell everywhere to resemble rain.

"She was part of this guild, Phantom Lord. This was an evil guild that tried to attack the most strongest guild called Fairy Tail."

Two ice buildings emerged—facing each other.

"The gloomy rain woman encountered this man. An ice wizard."

A figurine made of ice appeared. The woman and man faced each other, ready to fight.

"After an intense fight, she lost,"

The woman figure shot through the air and was about to fall down when suddenly, the man quickly held her hand so she wouldn't plunge into her death.

Gray chuckled as the ice droplets disappear and a sun made of ice emerged.

"He showed her what a sunny day was like. She fell in love with him but he..."

Gray's bangs covered his eyes. I sat at the edge of my seat, strangely intrigued by this.

"He was a stupid dense prick asshole, he never care of her feelings. She loved him more than ever but he didn't appreciate that."

The woman figure was holding up flowers and trays of food for the man but he walked away.

"That's rude!" I commented in anger.

Gray looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"I know right," He croaked.

"Why does she love him when he did that to her? That's stupid!" I added almost instantly.

I didn't know why. I felt like I could relate to the rain woman. I felt like I shared her pain and misery.

"I wonder that too," Gray sighed heavily.

Gray took a deep breath and lift his hand a little higher.

"One day, she left him for good and there's no way she'll return to him. He felt hopeless and regretful of his actions,"

The woman figure disappeared and the man fell on his knees alone—looking hopeless.

"He didn't realise that..she was HIS sunshine as well. She was the one who..who thawed his frozen heart but's too late..." I saw tears stream down Gray's face.

I felt bad. The man before me was the reason why I lost Jekku but maybe it was a good thing?

"Maybe she'll come back," I said in an optimistic tone.

Gray forced a small smile, "I hope so too Juvia," He whispered.

I looked down at the lonely man figure and snickered. Unconsciously, I lift my hand and concentrate my energy.

A figure of the woman made of water reappeared and gave the man a tight hug from the back.

" remember how to use magic?" Gray mumbled in astonishment.

I ignored his question.

"She wouldn't just leave him. He is, like you said, her sunshine."

I didn't know what I was saying but it felt natural to do so.

"Then don't leave me!" Gray shouted.

It caught me by surprise. The figure made of water melt and disappeared.

"'re the man..?" I asked softly.

He wiped the final tear on his cheek and slowly nodded his head.

"Fairy Tail."

I smiled as photos of people flashed in my head. My family. My home.

Gray stared at me in disbelief. His hands reached out for me but he quickly took it back.

"You're not toying with me, are you?" Gray whispered in pain.

I sighed heavily.

"Juvia will never play Gray-Sama,"

I forced a smile but I couldn't help but frown once more. My eyes got heavier as my throat got hoarse.

"Gray-Sama..Juvia doesn't want to go home!" I shouted.

Gray looks taken aback. His eyes widened as the magic circle disappeared.


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