Game Night

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A/N so this chapter and the next few are dedicated to rainwomen12 she's been wanting a GrUvia moment so ta-da!! This chapter would mostly be GrUvia!! :)) ALSO I STAN GRUVIA 🖤🖤

Narrator POV

"Wait game night?" Juvia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Everyone was sat in a circle in the living room except for Lyon, Lucy, and Gray. They were all wearing PJs and had pillows in between their arms and thighs. Rogue was face timing Kagura through the phone who seemed a lot better now.

"Yep!" Meredy pat the place beside her.

Juvia shuffled her feet and plopped down beside Meredy.

Suddenly, Gray's door slammed opened revealing Lyon yanking Gray by his raven locks. Gray's room gave out a cold aura and the temperature dropped.

"C'mon!" Lyon groaned as he tossed Gray beside Juvia.

Juvia folded his arms and scoot further away from Gray. Gray frowned and looked away.

"Let's get this over with.." Natsu sighed.

Natsu knew about the plan Erza had for Mission GrUvia but he still didn't want to be involve. He wanted to crawl into his bed and never wake up.

Mira came in the room with a green glass bottle. "We're playing Truth Or Dare!" She announced while placing the bottle in the middle of the circle.

The girls' eyes shot open. Mira was immediately pulled down the floor by Erza.

"Truth or dare? I thought we were just going to threaten Gray? Or just toss them inside the room." Erza whispered furiously.

Mira pry Erza's finger off her arm and shrugged. "That's no fun!" She puffed her cheeks.

Laxus went to the bottle and gave it a strong push.

Everyone eyed the bottle as it span round and round, siting at the edge of their butts—except for the uninterested Gray and Juvia.

After what looks like forever, the bottle finally stopped.

It landed on..

"Okay Rogue!" Mira exclaimed while clapping her hands.

Rogue pointed to himself and shook his head left and right vigorously. "No!" He mouthed.

Mira glared at him. "You will play this for GrUvia." She mouthed back.

Rogue felt a hand deathly gripped onto his shoulder until he heard his bones cracked a little.

He slowly turns around and met eye to eye with a pissed off Minerva. "Now Truth Or Dare?" Minerva glowered, speaking every word clearly.

Rogue gulped.

"Hey! Don't hurt him okay! He has to be alive." Kagura snickered from the phone, causing Rogue to blushed but slowly nodded.


"Pussy!" Sting immediately retorted.

Rogue shot daggers at him.

"Okay truth!" Mira cooed. She tapped her chin and look up at the ceiling. "If you could marry anyone in here, who would you marry?" Mira asked.

She wanted to go easy on the first round.

Rogue gulped and sighed heavily. "Uhm Kagura."

Everyone began cooing and teasing the shadow dragon slayer causing him to crawl into a ball.

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