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A/N HI GUYS IM BACKKK :( I've been so busy lately but here's finally an update 😌

Erza POV

"Minna!" Mira shouted and ran towards us with the gang behind her tail.

I looked at her and smiled softly, "What are we waiting for?" I chuckled in amusement.

"RE-EQUIP! CLEAR HEART CLOTHING!" I transformed to my outfit and slashed the tress in two.


"Goddammit!" Shadow fall on the floor with a loud "thud". "How did you bastards know?"

"You're not that strong Shadow," Levy pointed to him and smirked in triumph. "You just know how to strike fear but inside, you're pathetic trying to tear us apart!"

"Memory erased? Please bitch!" Juvia shouted.

Everyone tilted their heads and stared at her in confusion due to her harsh language.

"I'm sorry," Juvia frowned slightly, "I was excited." she placed her pale hand over her mouth and looked away.

I gaze over at Gray who stared at her in shock.

"Memory erased?" Jellal questioned.

I puff my cheeks and blew my fringe away from my eye,"It's nothing," I brought back my sword and rest it on my right shoulder.

"We don't have time to waste," Wendy took a deep breath and placed her hands up.

A white light surrounded her and her hair grew into a long pink mane.


Shadow was pushed to a tree. He placed his palm on his head. "Bastards,"

The ground begin shaking.

"Not this time!" Kagura jumped into a tree branch and lift her arm up.

I felt my feet lost touch with the ground. I wailed my arms abit in the air—like I'm trying to grab onto something solid. Jellal quickly grab my arm and used his other hand to hold onto a tree.

Shadow quickly jot up and sprinted towards Kagura. Kagura gripped onto her sword tighter and closed her eyes. She elegantly pulled her sword off its casing and pointed its head towards Shadow.

Shadow summoned a dark purple sword and strike back. Using all her might, she pushed herself off a tree and strike shadow's sword with hers.

"You're pathetic." Shadow spat once he was close up to Kagura. He pushed her a little further with his might. "You'll even kill yourself for that boy."

Kagura gripped onto her sword and pushed him back, "You're pathetic! Trying to tear us apart! It's futile!" She gritted her teeth.

"Your sword isn't going to last, young lady," Shadow sneered.

Kagura sighed and stared at the floor, "I know."

Her sword began cracking. The fabric around it unravel, leaving it vulnerable.

"I'm just buying time!" Kagura shouted.

She pushed Shadow with her sword and fall backwards. Her sword finally broke into two. She let go of its red handle and braced herself for impact.

"Kagura!" I yelled and reached my hand out but a black figure jumped towards her.

A black cloak wrapped around her as Rogue quickly pulled her close to him and carried her bridal style.

I saw Kagura mumbled something before hiding her hand in the clock.

"What the-"

Shadow fall backwards but his back met a fist of fire.

"Don't mess with my nakamas!" Natsu yelled in anger.

Shadow was tossed in the air, with blood oozing out of his mouth, "Dammit! It's not suppose to be like this!"

He gripped his fist and smashed it on the ground till his blood dropped, staining the grass with red liquid. The ground turned purple and a magic circle engulfed everyone.

"I'm lost," Gajeel chuckled.

He gently elbowed Levy, signalling her for some Iron.

Levy sighed and casted the word Iron in the air, "I'm not your Iron maker, you know?" Levy murmured.

Gajeel ignored it and munched on the Iron.

"Been looking for a good fight," Laxus took off his feathered jacket and stretched his arms.

I felt the arm around me loosen. I turned around and saw Jellal with a serious face.

"His Magic is distinctive and..powerful.." Jellal stated.

I nodded my head and re-equip back to my normal armour.

"All together guys!" Romeo said while he struggled to keep his balance in the air.

Wendy blushed at the scene. "Romeo-Kun, i think it's better you sit this one out," Wendy said softly but Romeo heard it.

Romeo's determined smile dropped. He gawked at her with a frown, "What do you that..?"

Wendy stopped smiling, "I mean it's dangerous," She floated down beside Romeo and placed her hand on his shoulder.

Romeo furrowed his eyebrows and smacked her hand away, " I AM NOT WEAK WENDY!"

Wendy was shock. She took a step back and gasped, "I didn't mean you're weak! Do you sense this pow-" Wendy's eyes widened.

The ground was cracking apart into two.

"It's so..intense!" Wendy cried out as she transformed into her normal self.

Romeo frowned. Wendy shut her eyes closed and shield her eyes as immense light came off from Shadow.

"Oh you smart fairies think you can treat me like a rag doll?" Shadow's eyes turned red.

His human body deformed.

"I'll show you what fear truly is," his voice turning deeper and deeper by every word.

"Nani..?" Lucy cries softly, she took a step back behind Natsu and gripped onto his arm, "he's turning into a.."

Natsu nodded and furrowed his eyebrows.

"A dragon."

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