The Truth

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A/N updates might be slow because I'm also working on another story! It's called 'Fate Brought Us Here' if you have time, check it out. It'll mean a lot to me >_<

Narrator POV

The boys were busy revising a plan. Jellal was on the dining table with a pen slid in between his hair and ear. He had his finger on his chin as he searched up 'Silver High School' on something called 'Google'.

Rogue and Sting were at the balcony, staring at the girls' house. Coincidentally, the girls' house was spottable from the balcony. Of course Gray couldn't let this opportunity passed and called both of them pervertic Juvia 2.0 dragon slayers.

Gray and Lyon were watching television and being nagged at by Laxus and Romeo about stripping in front of the girls.

"Wendy is still innocent man! Stop stripping in front of them. They'll get creeped out!" Romeo scolded like as if he was older than them.

Natsu was in his room, staring at the ceiling with Happy curled up beside him. Ever since he found out Lucy forgotten about him, he has never been the same.

Gajeel was trying out the shirts, in his room, that Levy personally picked out for him. He wore from black coloured sweaters to bright green polo shirts. It's unusual for him to wear bright colours but he thought he'd give it a go since his shrimp picked it out for him.


"Incoming call. Incoming call." A lacrima buzzed.

Everyone's attention drifted to a silver coloured lacrima on the kitchen counter.

"Oh my lacrima!" Jellal exclaimed.

"Wow you came prepared Jellal-san.." Romeo snickered.

The call was from Mavis. Jellal ran to the living room and placed the lacrima gently on the table. He pressed the button.

"Ohayo boys!" The first master cheeped bubbly.

Gajeel ran out of his room because he heard the first master's voice. "MAVIS! THANK GOD YOU CAME THROUGH!" Gajeel cried anime tears.

Mavis placed her hand on her mouth. "Well Laki helped me set up a lacrima that could reach other dimensions. Also, you look great in green Gajeel!" She giggled.

Gajeel blushed a bright shade of red.

"Mavis-san! The girls don't remember us and they said they've been here all their lives! And they go to school just to stress themselves! What is this sorcery??" Romeo blurted out. His was obviously disquiet.

"I agree with Romeo. Right off the Bat, I Don't sense their magic energy as high as I normally would." Lyon added.

Mavis placed her finger on her chin and hummed a 'hmm'.

"What could it mean?" Natsu asked while entering the living room.

"I think I know why."

All the boys leaned closer to the lacrima.

"Do you guys remember that time where Lisanna disappeared to Edolas?"

Their eyes widened.

"Anima.." Jellal gulped.

"Mhm..I'm guessing this is a similar case. Most probably, the girls that belonged to this dimension originally died so.."

"So our girls pretended to take their places.." Natsu continued.

"But why don't they remember us?" Pantherlily asked.

Mavis shrugged. "Dunno. You have to ask them about it."

"Why must it be this laborious? Can we just forcefully take them home?" Laxus grunted.

"Yeah!" Gray laughed. "Are you sure you want to face Titānia, Mira and Kagura? Even without magic I think they can kick your ass to Edolas." He chuckled.

Rogue furrowed his eyebrows and glared at Laxus. "Forcing them? That's quite an insolent act, don't you think? For all you know they actually.." he looked away and sadness displayed in his face. "Want to stay here.."


"Exactly.." Sting muttered while rubbing Romeo's back to comfort him.

"What if there's more than that?" Jellal asked.

Mavis gasped. "You don't think Shadow actually erased their memories, do you?"

"What if the girls who originally belonged to this world died so Shadow brought our girls here to take their place. But he also erased their memories of Magnolia and magic, making them believe that they actually belong here?" Lyon concluded.

Everyone stared at him in disbelief.

"That's heckin crazy man!" Gray clamoured.

"We're talking about Shadow here." Laxus folded his arms. "Crazy is normal for that dude."

Gray quieten down.

"If that's the case then we're going to somehow help them regain their memories back." Mavis sighed.

"How do you make someone remember something that cease to exist in their lives?" Gajeel questioned.

Mavis shrugged. "That's for you to find out." She smiled at them. "Bring home our girls alright!"

The lacrima went off.

"Dammit.." Natsu muttered.

Romeo frowned and slouched on the chair. "I want to go home already. I want to go on a job with Wendy. Then maybe use our reward money to go to an amusement park. We were planning on going to an amusement park that just opened 4 days ago.." Romeo sighed.

"I need to go shopping with Meredy and Juvia." Lyon groaned.

Gray smacked his shoulder blade and guffawed. Lyon shot daggers at him. "You will join me." He stipulated.

Gray folded his arms. "I'm not going to be a victim here." Gray huffed.

"Shrimp and I had plans to go to the library." Gajeel frowned.

Everybody raised an eyebrow when he mentioned 'library'.

"She wants me to expand my vocabulary.." Gajeel blushed. "AND WHY ARE YOU GUYS GIVING ME THAT DOUBTFUL FACE" he snapped.

"Because we doubt you can read." Laxus bluntly stated.

"Oioi don't start a fight here." Jellal warned.

"Are we going to crash their school?" Rogue asked.

They smirked at each other.

"Sure..we can even dress up as students!!" Sting took out a rubber band that he totally didn't steal that from Yukino's apartment and tied his fringe up, making it look like a palm tree.

He placed his hands under his chin and flutter his eyelashes. "Do I look like a student now?"

"IDIOT! I search on Google and students aren't just girls. They're actually people who go to school and study." Jellal face palmed.

Sting blushed and quickly took off the rubber band.

"I saw their school uniform online and we can totally buy them in the shop I saw in the mall!" Jellal suggested.

"I'm so glad we have Jellal-san!" Romeo cried fake anime tears.

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