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Narrator POV

"So where do we bring them first?" Levy asked.

The girls were making their way to the library. Kagura was feeling extra stuffy in her black bomber jacket. "I hate Winter," Kagura groaned.

Yukino was rubbing her hands together in order to feel warm. Her nose and cheeks were pink. "It's extra chilly today too!" Yukino quivered.

Mira wrapped her arms around Yukino to keep her warm. "Maybe we should buy some warm drinks!" Mira suggested.

Lucy and Juvia were walking in front side by side. Both of them had forgotten to bring along their jackets but were too proud to admit that they were cold. Juvia was doing fine in the cold but Lucy looked like she was turning into a popsicle.

"Look Starbucks!" Wendy exclaimed.

"Let's go in," Erza said. She opened the door and let her sisters went in.

Almost immediately, warmth engulfed the area and the smell of coffee good bakes filled their noses.

"So Juvia and I will order take away while you guys sit tight," Lucy said. The girls nodded.

"The usuals, I assume," Juvia chuckled. "But I'll just check again."

"Pumpkin spice latte for Levy."


"Caramel Brulée Latte for Yukino."


"Fudge hot chocolate for Wendy."

"Yes." Wendy was the only one not fond of caffeine beverages.

"Mocha Frappe for Mira."

"Oh yes!" Mira was drooling.

"Java Chip Frappe for Erza."

"Like normal."

"Caramel Macchiato for Kagura."


"And how about you Juvia?" Lucy turned around to Juvia.

"Peppermint Mocha. And you Lucy?"

"Vanilla Latte."

"Hai then let's go," Juvia grabbed Lucy's wrist and pulled her towards the queue.

Once they were finished with their orders, the girls happily sipped their drinks and walked towards the library.

"Lucy. I know you can't stand the cold, admit it," Juvia giggled. Lucy turned bright red. "No! I'm fine," she huffed while squeezing lightly on her drink to keep warm.

"You're crazy for drinking cold drinks in this weather," Kagura scoffed.

Mira, Erza and Juvia are the only ones who could stand the harsh cold. They simply shrugged and continued walking.

"Hey there they are! Gajeel!" Levy began to wave her hand frantically in the air.

Gajeel turned around and his eyes widened.

"The whole crew is here," he thought, obviously jaw dropped.

"Ah you guys are still in costume since yesterday?" Levy remarked before taking another sip of her latte.

"It's call commitment." Minerva responded.

"HEY YOU'RE THAT GUY FROM YESTERDAY!" Lucy shouted while pointing at Natsu.

Natsu frowned. He hugged Happy, who was shivering, tightly in his warm arms. "Well yeah."

"Where's my purse, did you see it by any chance?" Lucy demanded, still in an angered tone.

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