Shadow pt. 4

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Shadow POV

I just need 1 more brat to mess with and I'm done. Those girls were pathetic! I expected more from the great Titania and demon Mirajane. Who shall be my last victim..ahh! I spy with my little eye..a cute misunderstood swordsman.

Kagura POV

"Please be careful!" This fairy tail boy who goes by the name "Droy" cried.

I nodded my head and hung up the call. You may call me stupid for choosing to go alone but I work better solo. It took me a while to escape from Millianna's plead to stay with them. I was on top of a steep mountain. I could get a better look at things from here. The North region was more of a mountainous area.

"Well that's enough of staring," I said to myself.

I pick up my sword and orange backpack before jumping down. The moment I touched the floor, i knew immediately something wasn't right. I looked down and noticed the rocks were shaking.

"Who's there?" I shouted while drawing my sword, ready to attack.

"P-" I heard a husky voice said. I turned around and saw no one. I admit, I was getting a bit frightened.

"Ka-" the voice said again. This time, I turned around and slash my sword in the air but again, nobody was there. "Show yourself coward!" I snapped, gripping onto my sword tighter.

"Boo!" The voice shouted. I turned around and came face to face with someone's palm. The palm grabbed my face and slammed me onto the ground.

I was shock. I didn't know how to react. My head hit the rocks hard. I felt liquid flowing at the back of my head. The palm finally let go and a man stood on top of me. Before I could move, he stomped his feet on my wrist, ultimately breaking it.

"GAH!" I wailed in pain.

"You're a mermaid aren't you?" He grinned. He stepped on my gut and began squishing it with his shoe.

"S-Stop," I begged. The pain went through my body like electricity.

He came closer to me and placed two fingers on my forehead. "Night night Kagura," how did he know my name? Soon, everything turned black.

Narrator POV

Everyone was in turmoil. 8 girls just went missing in a blink of an eye! Master Makarov immediately told everyone to retreat as he fear more would go missing. Elfman was badly wounded and the ones who survived Shadow were traumatised. They gathered back at the City Hall.

"Quiet please!" Makarov lost his cool.

Everyone stared at him with fear in their eyes. Some were hugging each other for support while some were staring into blank space.

"As you know..some of our guild mates disappeared.." Makarov said, trying his best not to show much worry in his voice.

"WE HAVE TO FIND LUCY!" Natsu screamed while jumping onto the table with burning fists. His veins popped up and he resembled the devil.

"What are we even waiting for!" Gajeel added. He looked scarier than Erza when someone took her strawberry cake.

"Gramps will they be okay?" An innocent voice asked, obviously at the verge of tears.

Makarov turned his gaze to the corner of the guild and saw Romeo. He was trembling in fear. "Wendy is strong right? She'll be okay right? Please tell me they'll be okay!" Romeo snivel before falling on the ground and letting the tears flow freely.

Everyone watched the boy cry with sympathy. Before Natsu could walk up to him, Jellal did. He walked up and kneeled in front of Romeo.

"They are the most strongest and most badass women I know. They'll get through this. Let's hope for the best and be strong for them," Jellal comforted before pulling Romeo into a tight hug.

If it wasn't obvious enough, the blue hair had strong feelings for a certain re-equip mage. He didn't know how to express it because he never really got much opportunities to see her often. Slowly, tears started to stream down his cheeks when he thought about his red head friend.

"I want them back," Romeo mumbled as he bury his head into Jellal's cloak, wetting it with his tears.

Jellal also buried his head in Romeo's vest so others won't see him shed tears. "I want them back too," He replied softly.

"WHY WEREN'T YOU THERE FOR HER, STUPID MORON!" A voice thundered. Everyone turned their attention to the back of the guild.

That voice came from none other than Lyon Vastia. He had a tick mark form on his forehead. He held Gray by the collar and slammed him on the wall.

"Even if I was there, what makes you think I could've stop it," Gray hissed back, tears were glistening in his eyes.

"BASTARD!" Lyon rebuked back before giving Gray a punch in the face.

"Stop it please," Meredy sobbed. She fall down on her knees and frantically used her elbows to wipe her tears.

Lyon's face soften. He let go of Gray and walked towards her. "I'm sorry Meredy-Chan," he sat in front of her and his lips formed a small smile. Carefully, he caressed her hair away from her face and to behind her ear.

"We'll get Juvia back alright," Lyon reassured, he had an urge to hug her but decided not to.

"You promise?"

"Yes I promise!"

"You know, Juvia and I had plans to go shopping and have a sleep over after we captured Shadow. This ruined everything!" Meredy sobbed as she covered her face with her hands.

"That's okay. Once we get her back, let's all go shopping!" Lyon couldn't believe what he was saying. He just wanted to comfort her so badly.

Meredy look up from her hands, her eyes were red and puffy."Really?" She sniffed.

"Yeah I could use extra some shir-"

"You'll help us carry our shopping bags?" Meredy innocently requested.

Lyon gulped.

'Of course. That's the only reason why she would ever want me to go with her' Lyon thought to himself.

"Y-Yeah sure?" Lyon reluctantly replied. He felt his face heating up. His heart was beating quick. The more he stare at Meredy, the more he's melting.

Meredy's lips curved into a huge smile as she hugged him. "ARIGATOU!" She exclaimed happily. Lyon started to tremble. He slowly crept his hands around her and hugged her back.

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