Plan In Action

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A/N UWAAHH GUYSS I just wrote GrUvia dedicated chapterS (would probably publish it in a few days) AND IM SO MAD AND DISAPPOINTED AT MYSELF BECAUSE IT'S MY FAVOURITE SHIP AND THE CHAPTERS AREN'T GOOD ENOUGH but it's emotional though. Nonetheless, please vote and comment :3

Lucy POV

I decided to stay back in school to finish some homework before going home. Tomorrow is the dance and Naokatsu is the only thing lingering in my mind.

Juvia had extra English classes. It's a one to one tutoring session.

I'm quite shock by the fact that Naokatsu asked me out. This is his first day in Silver High and he already found a date? That's quick. Almost too quick. But questioning him would make me seem like a rude person. On the other hand, Kagura is feeling a lot better.

Rogue would visit her after school and yesterday, he brought her flowers and today, balloons. He even chose to skip the dance just to spend the night with Kagura so she wouldn't feel alone.

Romeo and Wendy are going to the dance together. Cute! She kept blushing whenever she's near him and blabber things to herself.

Erza and Jellal has gotten pretty close. And so has Levy and Gajeel and the others. Something must've happened but..what?

"Hey Lucy." A voice said.

I tilted my head up and Naokatsu's face was an inch away from mine. It didn't make me blush though, I felt butterflies for a bit but it soon died.

"Oh hey." I smiled.

Naokatsu sat opposite me. "Back in the library again?" He chuckled.

I shrugged. "I'm a library type of girl," I reasoned.

We were quiet for abit. Naokatsu started to read his books while I did my homework.

"Etto Naokatsu?"

"Mhm?" He stared at me.

"It's only your first day and you've decided to go out with me?" I asked, not wanting to sound rude.

"Ah well, you're really pretty and I thought.." Naokatsu looked away and scratched the back of his neck.

I formed my lips into an 'o' shape and stared at the table. "Thank you.." I smiled a little.

"But I thought Natsu was your Boyfriend so I hesitated." Naokatsu sighed.

I waved my hands dismissively and frantically in the hair. "What? No! We're not a thing." I protested.

Naokatsu looked at me. He didn't believe me.

"Whatever you say I guess..but he really likes you." Naokatsu smiled a little, showing his rosy cheeks.

"No." I simply replied.

"I know when a boy is in love. I've love too.." Naokatsu looked away with a saddened expression. "The girl I liked passed too soon.."

"I'm sorry to hear that.." I said.

"Nono it's okay." He pointed to the ceiling. "She's in a better place now, isn't she?"

I nodded. Naokatsu isn't so bad after all.

After a moment of silence, Naokatsu smiled.

"Did you read the book 'The Hunger Games?'" He asked.

My eyes widened. "That's my favourite!" I exclaimed.

Naokatsu eyes began to sparkle as he leaned towards me. "There's a movie premiere tonight!"

"That sounds amazing."

My smile turned into a frown. Mira and Erza won't let me go out at night without a companion. Besides, there's school tomorrow.

"Would you to go with me?" Naokatsu grinned.

I sighed heavily and look down. "I'm sorry but I'm not sure my sisters would allow."

"Oh.." Naokatsu's grin fell.

I couldn't stand his sad face. "Wait maybe I could." I exclaimed.

Naokatsu raised an eyebrow before smiling widely. "Great, see you at six?"

I nodded in reply.

Guess I'll have to sneak out. I mean it's nothing right? There aren't even lessons tomorrow just preparations for the dance.

Natsu POV

"Happy! Come back! You're going to get caught!" I half yelled half whispered to the blue exceed.

Happy wondered off around the garden and I lost him! If people in campus found a talking blue cat who knows what they'll do!

"Happ-" I found him.

He was standing in front of a window and peering inside. He had some sort of bewildered expression.

"There you are!" I yelled while running up to him. "Why are you he-" I looked at what he was seeing.

"Nē does Lucy have a Boyfriend?" Happy pointed to the new kid.

They were in the library and chatting happily. Lucy looked so eager when listening to Naokatsu. I felt my heart sunk.

"We shouldn't disturb them." I sighed as I picked Happy up and ran away. "I knew it was a matter of time."

*time skip*

Erza POV

The house was filled with toxic. I've never seen Juvia so pissed and Lucy so..jumpy? Natsu seems depressed and Gray kept blushing whenever Juvia is nearby.

I guess angered females turn Gray on.

"I hate how troubled the atmosphere is." Jellal plopped down on the sofa beside me.

I leaned my head against his shoulder and nodded. "We have to do something." I murmured.

"Tomorrow is the day huh?" Jellal frowned.

I opened my mouth to speak but ended up sighing again. "It's the dance. The boys have one last try."

He looked at me and smiled a little. "I'm glad you remember me."

I blushed furiously and looked away.

"But we need to think of a plan." Jellal continued.

Dammit Erza! Why are you blushing? I gulped and sat straight. "Well, I know I can count on him to help Natsu realise his feelings for Lucy." I smiled.

Jellal tapped his chin. "But the issue is Gray. It's obvious he loves her but he's too prideful to admit it."

"A tsundere." I chuckled.

Jellal nodded. "Actually not only him. Both Juvia and him are being a Tsundere right now."

"Ugh I know."

"But I think I know what to do.."

A/N short chapter but :)

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