The First Master

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"Touching really," a voice sarcastically remarked. Lyon and Meredy let go of each other and saw Laxus leaning against the wall.

"I have no time for this. Oi old man. What do we do?" Laxus grunted.

Master Makarov touched his moustache to indicate that he was in deep thought. Unfortunately, he knew nothing of going to another realm.

"I know what to do!" A feminine voice chirped.

Makarov turned his head swiftly, his eyes immediately shot wide open. "W-What are you doing h-here?" Makarov said, startled.

The girl was none other than Mavis Vermilion. She had her usual baby pink dress with her blonde wavy hair falling gently on her back. She was the only one with a smile plastered on her face.

"I know how to transport you to the other realm."

The crowd burst into chaos. Another realm? That's crazy. What type of realm could the girls be in? Edolas? What if they can't get back? How are they even going to get there?

"Relax Minna! Lately, Levy and I have been building up a portal to transport us into our desired realm. It's our secret project. Though it's not 100% reliable, it is our only choice," Mavis explained.

"How do you know what realm they're in?" Sting asked in a distress voice.

"Well previously, there was a dark wizard exactly like Shadow, they possess the same magic. His victims always end up in this realm called "07". I assume this is the same case. And even if it's not, it's worth a try you know?" Mavis childishly grinned.

Natsu jumped onto a table again. He then leaped onto the stage and grab the first master by her shoulders. "THEN LETS GO!" He urged. His was desperate to get his Luce back.

"Right!" Mavis giggled. She led the crowd into Fairy Tail basement.

"Didn't know we had a basement," Gajeel said while inspecting the area.

There were scattered pieces of paper everywhere and metal parts lying on the ground. Torn wires hanging from the ceiling and computers which displayed grey screens. Due to the small space, only Gajeel, Romeo, Jellal, Lyon, Meredy, Natsu, Sting, Rogue, Millianna, Minerva, Laxus, Makarov and Gray went in. Including Mavis and the exceeds of course!

Soon, the group came face to face with a huge machine shaped as an oval. There were symbols written all over it and there was a long wooden table in front of it with gloves and goggles on it.

"Ta-da!" Mavis said in awe.

She turned around and faced the group. Natsu and Gajeel had sparkles in their eyes. Jellal, Minerva and Gray were looking slightly disquiet. Lyon and Meredy were picking up pieces of paper on the floor. Laxus had no expression. Sting and Rogue were jaw dropped.

"So ready to travel?" Mavis chuckled.

"What? How do you know it's safe?" Laxus exclaimed.

Mavis shrugged her shoulders and turned to face the portal. "Don't you trust your nakama? She had sleepless night just to build this," Mavis muttered.

Gajeel's eyes widened. "My shrimp is talented," he blushed just thinking about her.

Sting still looked abit unsure. The thought of "traveling" makes him sick. "How about our motion sickness?"

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