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A/N I'm not updating daily anymore since my schoolwork is crashing down on me 😩 I have so many projects due this week (and the next) and not to mention I have a lot of after school activities to attend to so I won't be active on wattpad but I'll try !!

"Why oh my! Look at the sales!" Erza exclaimed in awe.

Wendy wanted to go with just Yukino but the whole squad decided to tag along. Yes. The whole squad.

"Hm I've never been to a dance but it seems interesting." Minerva said as she picked up a purple tight fitting dress. "I need advice."

"Do you have a date?" Yukino asked.

Minerva put back the dress. "A what?"

"A date."

"What's a date?"

"Like someone to go with to the dance."

Minerva tapped her chin and stared at the ceiling. "I don't have one but I can always go with Meredy!" Minerva gazed at Meredy who was talking to Lyon.

"Gomen But Lyon asked me to go with him." Meredy admitted.

Minerva's jaw drop. "You're abandoning me for sub zero over here?" She cried loudly.

Meredy began waving her hand in the air. "Nono! Gomen, don't cry. Oh my Mavis!" Meredy panicked.

Lyon stuff his hands in his pockets and smiled at Meredy.

"Precious." He muttered under his breath before he felt someone nudge his shoulders.

"Good job." Gray snickered.

Lyon rolled his eyes. "How about you? Any progress?"

Gray shrugged. "We're cool now, she's back to stalking me again." Gray whispered the last part and motioned to Erza.

Juvia was timidly hiding behind Erza and taking short glances at Gray.

"That's Good right?" Lyon said.

Gray nodded. "Half half."

Lyon shook his head left and right. "Just don't be cold to her again." He warned.

Gray held his hand in defence. "Chill ice freak. I won't hurt her again, I can't afford to anyway." Gray smiled softly.

Jellal stopped walking and face the group."We should probably split u-"

"In Pairs!" Mira shouted loudly.

Jellal stared at her before slowly nodding in agreement. "Yeah pairs.."

"Take that bitch." Mira whispered.

Jellal furrowed his eyebrows and his jaw drop. He looks offended and confused. "What did I do?"

Suddenly, Laxus pat Jellal's back until he stumbled forward abit.

"That's Mira." Laxus laughed.

Before Jellal could question further, Erza dragged him away. "Let's go get some cake first!" Her eyes were sparkly and she was practically drooling.

"Wait Gray." Sting called out.

Gray turned around and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

It's unusual for a Gray and Sting to talk.

"What was that interesting thing you wanted to show Juvia?"

Wendy began blushing again. She started to knock her head and squeeze her eyes shut. "No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts!" She repeated.

Do You Remember Me? [completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now