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Romeo POV

I glanced at Wendy. She was sipping onto her juice but she looks disquiet—probably in extremely deep thought.

"Uhm Wend-" I placed my hand on her shoulder and she immediately jerked away.

Her frightened eyes soften when she saw me. "Oh hi Romeo-kun," She mustered a small smile and gazed away.

"What's wrong?" I asked before taking another sip of my drink.

She stared at her emptied cup and sighed heavily. "Something is wrong..I can smell blood.."

My eyes widened and I turned my body to fully face her. "Whose blood?"

"Erza, Rogue and Kagura..But.." she bit her lip. "I'm being ridiculous maybe-"

"Yo pip squeak," Gajeel giggled while placing his arm on Wendy's head.

"Stop treating her like a child dumbass," Laxus grumbled.

I turned my head slightly and saw Levy and Mira at the Dj booth. They we're shoving each other while Saeko was face palming in the background.

"You two look serious, what's the deal?" Gajeel said in a nicer and softer tone.

"I smell blood," Wendy shyly responded.

Laxus furrowed his eyebrows. "Same actually,"

Gajeel lifted his arm away from Wendy. "I thought I was going crazy!"

"But Natsu didn't smell it?" I questioned while taking a quick glance at the dragon slayer.

"He's with Lucy so I'm sure all his senses are numb right now," Gajeel chuckled a bit at the last part of his sentence.

"If you really smell blood then we have to go!" I exclaimed.

Gajeel and Laxus exchanged glances before running out the hall with Wendy and I behind. Once we were outside, those 3 began sniffing out the area.

"Romeo-Kun and I will visit Kagura-san in case she's really in danger," Wendy stated.

"But Rogue got her covered, right..?" Laxus said tentatively.

"Something must've happened to him as well huh?" Gajeel whispered.

We quickly separated ways. I felt the pain of rocks under my foot as I ran despite wearing thick shoes. Wendy looks more uneasy, I think she knew that something was wrong.

"Kagura-san! Kagura-san!" She screamed as she burst through the hospital doors.

She was trembling badly and strands of her dark blue hair was covering her sweaty face.

Security ran in the room and stood in front of us.

"Woah calm down ma'am!" The first security guy said.

Wendy frantically looked around, I took a deep breath and grabbed onto her arm firmly but ensuring I didn't pain her.

"Calm down Wendy.." I whispered in a calming voice.

Wendy shut her eyes close and lift her head up. She started sniffing vigorously. "We have to go to the garden," she spoke before running off again.

Kagura POV

Ugh. Pain shot through my body. I feel a warm liquid flowing down my head and my lips were chapped. I couldn't move. I feel the spiky grass poking under my chin and my hair on my face.

"R-rogue?" I whispered as I slowly shifted my knee up and used my elbows to stand up. Suddenly, "AHH!" I whimpered and collapsed on the floor again.

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