Too Late

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Rogue POV

It felt like there was only Kagura and I in the room. Everything seemed to disappear as I felt myself hypnotised by her chocolate orbs.

"Etto Kagura.."


"Are we friends?" I bit my lip.

She was siting with her back straight and her hands topped on her lap like some sort of fancy royal princess.

"Of course we are. We've known each other for weeks now."

"Oh then do you mind if I ask you some..queries..?"

Kagura raised an eyebrow. "Go on."

"Well what happened to Simon?" I asked politely.

I saw her sighed softly. She leaned her back towards the chair and faced the ceiling.

"It was 2 years ago.."


"Simon-nee do you have enough?" A younger Erza asked.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun and she wore a bright yellow sundress. Though she wasn't fond of wearing yellow, it was Simon's favourite colour so it was an exception.

"Yes I have enough." The brown boy chuckled while messing up Erza's scarlet hair a little.

Both of them were carrying a bottle of Coke and some packet chips. Erza passed her things to Simon and Simon walked towards the cashier.

"That would be about $7.45." The cashier said.

Simon nodded and took out his wallet. Erza was at the side, watching him when suddenly..

"HANDS IN THE AIR!" A man yelled.

3 masked man barged into the store with loaded guns in their arms. One of them pointed the gun to Simon and Erza.

"S-Simon-nee.." Erza whispered with her hands in the air.

Simon, however, looked calm.

"Give us your money!" The other masked man demanded.

Simon furrowed his eyebrows. "You could've went for job interview then resort to this."

The men aimed their guns at Simon.

"Shut up!" The man shouted.

"Don't shoot my b-brother!" Erza yelled with fear hinting in her voice.

The man laughed loudly before pulling the trigger. The bullet shot out but it didn't hit Erza, it hit the cement floor which caused Erza to quiver in fear.

"Don't try us red head." The man said.

Erza has her arms wrapped protectively around her head as she nodded slowly.

"Bastard!" Simon shouted.

"That's it!" The other man said through gritted teeth.

He pointed his gun at Erza and pulled the trigger.


Erza slowly fluttered her eyes open and gasped. Simon was lying lifelessly on the floor in a puddle of blood. Erza was too shook to react.

"Crap the cops are here!" One of the man said.

All three of them quickly scurry out the store, leaving Erza sobbing.

"Simon-nee!" Erza crawled towards Simon and hugged him.

"Ni-..?" Simon mumbled. He didn't finish his sentence when he felt tears dropped onto his cheeks.

He opened his eyes slightly and smiled when he saw Erza. He placed his hand gently on her cheeks.

"Don't cry."

"HOW CAN YOU TELL ME NOT TO CRY?" Erza screamed.

"Your mascara makes you look like the ghost of Micheal Jackson." Simon teased but Erza wasn't smiling.

"There's no time to make jokes dumbass!" Erza yelled. 

She frantically looked around and saw the police arresting the three gunmen.

"HELP PLEASE!" Erza begged.

"Please listen to me..I don't have much time le-"


"Just listen to me. You never listen do you?" Simon chuckled.

Erza nodded and tried to silence her sobs.

"Tell Kazuaki I love her and take care please. Look after her like a big sister. She does look up to you." Simon chuckled. 

Erza couldn't take it, she let out her tears.

Simon messed up Erza's hair abit before taking his last breath.

Back to reality

I saw a tear slipped and rolled down Kagura's rosy cheeks. She looked at me.

"But.. I swear I will avenge him." She gritted her teeth.

This doesn't sound like Kagura..

"I will make sure I make that man pay for his sins!" Kagura added.

I shifted my seat. I felt a little uncomfortable..

"But I'm sure Simon wouldn't want this to happen.." I sighed.

Kagura furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you know?" She spat coldly.

"I don't.." I took a deep breath. "But I know this isn't you."

"What do you know about me?"

I was a little taken back but I remained calm.

"I just know."

Should I mention about the other realm too?

"No. You don't. Don't act like a know it al-"

"I'm not. I know you. We..we've met before this.."

"I don't recall seeing you."

I sighed softly. "Of course you don't."

I looked at her seriously. "But don't waste your time trying to avenge someone in the past. It's been 2 years, we should move o-"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ROGUE!" Kagura slammed the table with her hands and ran off.

My gaze turned to the door where I saw Jellal staring at everyone, speechless.

"GAH STOP!" Meredy cried before running out into the rain as well.

"KAGURA WAIT!" I yelled as I ran after her.

She ran in the rainy weather so it's difficult to smell her out. Goddammit woman!

Suddenly, I saw her glimpse of black. YES!

"KAGURA!" I glanced to the right and saw a bright light coming towards her.

"Go away!" She screamed while dashing across the road.


I was too late.

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