Under The Rain

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A/N no this ain't a GrUvia chapter but GrUvia and NaLu are my two absolute favourites! They deserve something special in the end ;)

Narrator POV

Jellal, Mira, Minerva, Laxus, Wendy, Happy, Pantherlily and Romeo were sitting in Jellal's room together, discussing their next action.

Without Jellal's lacrima, there was no exact way to communicate with the first master. They felt hopeless.

"Maybe we could just tell them?" Romeo suggested.

Laxus shook his head left and right. "They're sceptics."

Romeo formed his mouth to an 'o' shape before frowning.

"Actually, all of us have something which came along with us from the other realm!" Wendy notified.

Minerva looked at her. "Like an object?"

Wendy nodded and eagerly ran out the door. She came back with a red box that was sealed with clear tape.

She carefully took off the tape and opened the flaps. It hasn't been open for a while so it was quite dusty, causing Wendy to cough.

Wendy took out a pink bow. "This is Carla's bow. I've always had an extra pair of it, whenever I looked at it, it'll always remind me of Carla."

As if on cue, a normal white cat came into the room.

"Hello, Carla!" Wendy chirped.

The cat went under Wendy's bed and slept in there.

"So..these items would help trigger their memories back?" Minerva asked while tapping her chin.

Wendy nodded. "Not completely but roughly yeah."

Mira went in and grabbed a photo. "A photo is Lisanna, Elfman and me on the beach.." she whispered with a soft expression. "I want to go home.."

"What does Erza have?" Jellal questioned.

Mira gently placed the photo beside her and took out a chest plate armour.

"A whole damn chest plate." Mira giggled.

Jellal gulped and took the chest plate but due to its heavyweight, he slightly stumbled backwards.

"Damn how does Erza carry this 24/7..?" Jellal thought to himself.

Lucy has Aquarius celestial key.

"So this is where Aquarius' keys are! When I heard a new key was created, I didn't expect it to be in another realm." Happy said while studying the key.

Juvia has a Russian hat with a yellow butterfly pin.

"I bet Gray could use all the help he could get." Minerva sighed heavily.

Yukino has her blue rose clip. Though she has many of these, this one seemed a little different if you look close enough.

"Doesn't she have a trillion of these..?" Romeo sweatdropped.

Kagura has her bow headband.

"I thought she'd have a sword or something," Laxus murmured.

Levy has a book called "Beauty And The Beast."

"Sugoi! I remember Levy saying that the plot of Beauty And The Beast reminded her of Gajeel and her..except for the rose thing." Romeo chuckled the last bit of his sentence.

"All these items have magic lacing them." Minerva pointed out.

The others nod in response.

"We have to give it them the boys, maybe they can do something with it," Mira suggested.

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