His Tutor

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A/N I don't think I can post daily anymore :(( I haven't updated the next few chapters and it's pretty sloppy writing :(
Context : Lucy is tutoring Natsu

Natsu POV

"Lets start with a simple one, shall we?" Lucy said.

I nodded and took out my history books. I slowly tried to scoot closer to Luce but all she does is move further from me until she almost fall off the chair but luckily, I pulled her arm. Lucy blushed a bit before strongly pulling her arm back.

"Uhm so what's your specific weak area? Your answering techniques or do you not understand History itself?" Lucy asked while pushing back her bangs behind her ears.

I stared at the history books. It had this semi-heading. 'Everyone Can Do History!'. I rolled my eyes at it.

"I don't get anything." I replied.

I saw Lucy pursed her lips before nodding. She opened a bright pink thick notebook that had some sort of glittery gold strap keeping it close.

"Here's my notebook. You can use it for reference." She said while flipping the pages of the book.

Without her noticing, I leaned over her shoulder and tried to pick up as much words as I could while she was flipping the pages. Wow Lucy is really neat.

But her room doesn't say that at all.

Lucy suddenly closed the book and placed it in front of me. "I also got some practice worksheets." She bend down to her bag and took out a tall gigantic stack of papers.

I stared at it with my jaw dropped. I can't do this.

Lucy noticed my staring at me and sighed heavily. "We can start with the basics." She muttered under her breath.

I smiled a little but I had some sort of melancholy.

Lucy hates me and she only did this because she was forced to. If she had a choice, I bet she'll run away.

"Hey Luce."


"Do you hate me?"

Lucy POV

"Do you hate me?"

That question stunned me a little. I wanted to say 'yes', but that'll be a bit too..blunt. Mom always told me to forgive and forget and I have to admit, because of my hatred towards Natsu, I've done stupid things like run away and cry.

"No." I lied.

It all happened yesterday, I'm not prepared to fully be okay around you.

Natsu gave me a tentative smile and started to open my notebook.

"Ah didn't expect to see you here," A male voice said.

I recognise that voice.

I turned around and smiled widely. "Heyy Naokatsu!" I waved my hands at him.

He looked at Natsu who was busy reading the notebook to even spare a glance. Naokatsu sat opposite me and Natsu. "I hope you don't mind me crashing your study date."

I blushed uncontrollably. Study date? This isn't a study date! Nani, why the hell am I blushing for??

Before I could correct him, Natsu looked at him. "It's okay." Natsu replied.

I gawked at both of them. I don't want to give Naokatsu the wrong impression!

I bet the next few hours would be absolute


*time skip*

"Yep so that's basically everything you need to know for volume 1." I smiled cheerfully.

Natsu stretched his arm and back. "That was easier than I thought."

I gave him a 'I told you so' look and began packing my pencil case.

Naokatsu was reading our literature book. He briefly looked up and saw Natsu and I packing our things. "Oh you're leaving?"

I nodded. "Are you staying?"

Naokatsu glanced at his red watch and then at me. "Nah I think I'm going home too." He closed the book and slide it down his bag.

All of us stood up and neatly arranged the chairs.

"Oh Lucy?" Naokatsu asked.


"Uhm so I was informed that there's a dance in 2 days time..would you like to be my date..?"


I swiftly turned my head and saw a bunch of books on the floor. Natsu glunch at us.

"Baka you dropped your books." I yelled a little.

Natsu ignored me and sighed heavily.

"So what do you say?" Naokatsu added gently.

I massaged my forehead and smiled a little. "Why not?"

Gray POV

Erza told me that Juvia would be at the school's Swimming pool. I know she wouldn't want to see me but I still want to see her.

The school's Swimming pool was humongous! Actually, humongous is an understatement.

I saw a bunch of girls siting together. They wore a white one piece swim suit that had two aqua straps on the shoulder blades. I bet they're the swim team. But where's Juvia?

Suddenly, I saw something quick swam through the waters.

Like a speed demon or something.

The figure swam to one end and to the other in seconds! I stared in awe.

"Who are you? And why are you staring at Juvia-Chan like that?" A female voice questioned with a voice full of authority.

I turned around and saw two girls. Holy shit.

One of them looked like Ultear and the other looked like Meredy.

The Ultear looking girl had her hands folded while the Meredy looking girl stared at me with a bland expression. Both of them wore the swimsuit like the other girls i saw previously so I'm guessing they're in the swim team too.

"I uh well." I stammered.

"You're Gray Fullbuster, am I right?" The Meredy look alike said while eyeing me up and down.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Uhm well yes."

"My name is Manami." She continued.


"Name's Mai." The other girl said.

I nodded, trying to process what was happening.

Manami peered over my shoulder and smiled widely. "You're amazing Juvia-Chan!" She chirped bubbly.

I saw a figure emerged from the water.

Oh my god.

Juvia was wearing a one piece black swimsuit that had red straps at the shoulder blades. I couldn't help but stare at her as she effortlessly pushed herself out of the pull with one push. She looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows.

Oh yeah.


"What are you doing here?" She spat.

I took a deep breath and put on my cold face. "I can go anywhere I want."

Juvia raised an eyebrow and shoved me aside to talk to Mai and Manami. "Lets go home." She said.

Mai and Manami nodded.

"Damn." I murmured while walking away before anyone could see the tint of pink on my cheeks.

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