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Natsu POV

I knew it. Lucy isn't in her room. I smell her scent outside, it wasn't very vague, it was obvious. She must've snuck out and Levy must've covered her. I think it's called girl code

I left through a window opening the moment the flood disappeared.

"Dammit where could she have went?" I stopped at my tracks and leaned against the brick wall to catch my breath.

The group didn't notice my absence which was good. I didn't really care about school because the blood moon is tomorrow and we have to go home. But I hope I could bring Luce with me.

"What has gotten you so work out?" Someone chuckled from behind me.

I turned around and saw Saeko. She had a red and white striped popcorn box in her arms and was sipping on a drink. She wore a knee length oversized pink sweater with black tights.

"Hi Saeko." I faked a smile and stood up straight.

Saeko raised an eyebrow. "Looking for Lucy?"

I gulped. How did she know?

"Uhm yes.." I said quietly.

Saeko burst into laughter—as if she was amused by my misery.

"Okay well she's with that new boy. Naokatsu, I think? Their movie ended—but not too long ago. I saw them walking home just a minute ago."

I gazed at my feet. She's with Naokatsu huh? I shouldn't disturb her. It's rude and ill mannered of me. Maybe I have to accept the fact that they'

"Okay well thanks." I sighed and walked away before Saeko could respond.

I stuff my hands in my pockets and walked through the crowd. A nice walk would take my mind off this am I right?

I was about to turn to an alley when I heard someone screaming.


That voice..

It's Lucy's. No doubt.

Lucy POV

"The movie was good." I said.

Naokatsu nodded his head and looked up the dark sky. Slowly, I felt something warm reached out for my cold fingers.

I swiftly turned my head around and saw Naokatsu grab my hand. "Sorry if it's uncomfortable." He looked away shyly.

I smiled. "Nah it's fine."

We swung our hands front and back; not making eye contact. I should be feeling butterflies in my stomach as I always do whenever I'm around a pretty boy but I didn't. I felt empty, as if everything was just a plain gesture of friendship.

"We should probably go home quick." I reminded; I didn't want to face their wrath.

I hope Levy has been covering for me.

"Uhm well I'm new around town itself so I don't know." He admitted.

"It's okay," I glanced right and left. "We can take the alley, it's only a 5 minutes walk now c'mon!" I yanked his hand, causing him to scream a little and ran to the alley.

"It's pretty dark around here." He said.

I felt his body inches closer to mine. I looked at him and realised that he had his arm wrapped tightly around mine as if I was a bolster!

A/N anyone getting some Edolas vibes? No? Okay :)

I sighed and picked up the pace.

"Oi you two!" A man grunted.

I didn't stop. I continued walking; slowly running away.

"Lucy!" Naokatsu yelled.

"Dammit let's go!" I shouted back.

The man and his friends began chasing us. Luckily, I was part of the track and field team. I'm a pretty fast runner.

"Lucy I can't run fa-" I felt the rip around my arm loosen and the weight lightened.

I stopped running and turn around. Naokatsu has lost grip of me and had fallen on the ground.

"Ouch!" He whimpered.

I saw something red oozing out of his chin and elbow. Before I could grab him, one of the unknown man already did.

He yanked Naokatsu by the collar.

"Give us your money or the kid gets it." The man grumbled while bringing a knife close to Naokatsu's trembling face.

"Let's me go please." Naokatsu whispered.

I clenched my fists. Naokatsu really needs to learn to be more affirmative. He was quivering like a frightened cat.

"LET HIM GO!" I bellowed so loudly that the cats around the alley ran away.

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