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A/N decided to do some StingLu! I shall add more GrUvia and MirAxus moments because I feel like those 2 haven't been getting much attention! Also don't worry, NaLu will get a very special moment that's why they aren't interacting much now :)

Yukino POV

Natsu and Lucy have been fighting all morning. We're currently in gym class and had to play dodge ball.

I felt someone tugged on my sleeves. "Nē Yukino, I've never played dodge ball before and Ms Aquarius looks pretty pissed." Minerva shyly confessed

I messed up her hair a little. "We'll be fine just don't get hit." I reassured.

Sadly, her and I weren't in the same team.

"Oh come on Luce! Why are you always in a bad mood when you're with me?" Natsu shouted from one side of the court.

Lucy clutched onto the rubber ball so hard till it almost deflated. "PERVERT!" She retorted.

"Weren't you two fine yesterday at the mall?" I asked a gloomy Natsu.

Natsu shook his head left and right. "At first we were but then..we fought about a lot of things.."

"ON YOUR MARK GET SET- Actually I'm too lame for countdowns." Ms Aquarius sighed before blowing the whistle.

Immediately, balls shot through the air. Lucy was aiming specifically for Natsu but he wasn't even going to hit her, he was just dodging all the balls like a master.

"Hey Yukino!" Someone yelled.

I turned around and my face met with a red ball flying towards me at high speed.

"AHHH!" I shouted as the ball hit my nose, making me fall harshly on the floor.

Everyone stopped playing. Sting quickly ran up to me and kneeled beside me. "Oh my mavis I'm so sorry.. I didn't know," he looked guilty.

I felt something warm ran down my nose.

"I-it's o-Okay! I'm o-okay-" I said, trying to sound cheerful before I completely passed out.

Lucy POV

I stormed towards Sting and threw a ball at his head.

"Ouch!" He winced while rubbing his head.


Natsu placed a hand on Sting's shoulder and whispered something which he nodded in reply.

"I'll take her to the nurse. Go blow off some steam before touching another ball." Sting calmly told me.

He picked Yukino up bridal style and ran to the nurse's office. I doubt he knows where it is.

"Okay class! Resume back!" Ms Aquarius shouted.

I was a professional at dodge ball. After a while, there was only one person in the other team.


I was still boiling piss at him for the hug thing. And I know it might seem like nothing but..when my mother was younger. She had a boyfriend.

One day, he started to get close to her and he hugged her. Seconds after, he raped her.

I'm just defensive. I'm scared if untrustworthy people hug me, they know.. I might be crazy but it's better to be safe than sorry!

"Luce." Natsu said.

"Huh?" I turned around and saw that I was the only one standing for my team.

"Let's have a bet."

I raised my eyebrow and smirked. "Oh? Sure."

"If I win, you guys got to let my siblings crash in your place for as long as we want."

My jaw dropped. WHAT! Why would he want to stay in our place?

"Nani? Can we just book you guys another hotel?"

"Nope! We want to stay at your place." He grinned.

"You're on but if I and your siblings have to leave me and my sisters' life."

I'm the only one who hated the extra company.

He looked hurt by my deal but he nodded anyways.

It was a tough match but I finally got hold of a ball.

With all my strength, I hurled the ball across the court.

I smirked knowing that he couldn't escape it but I was wrong. That flame brain did a heckin 360° flip and dodged the ball. The class roared with cheers.

"HOW!" I yelled in frustration.

He had another ball in his hand. As he landed on the floor, he threw the ball at me. I tried to defend myself by positioning my arm into a shield shape over my face but it was too late. The ball hit me. I fall backwards.

I shut my eyes close, expecting to meet the harsh ground when suddenly, I felt warm strong arms beneath me.

"I won." He simply said.

Wait..processing..processing..Natsu is holding me. I blushed bright pink.

"So can we come over tonight?" He continued.

I pouted and folded my arms. "Whatever. I need to let my sisters know too." are the others going to react to this?

Sting POV

Crap crap crap! I don't know where the nurse's office is! I was running around like a lost puppy.

Guess I have no choice but to treat her bloody nose by myself. I went into the empty classroom and lay Yukino in the floor.

Since it was gym class, the whole class was at the gym, leaving the classroom empty. Gym class was also our last period before we're dismissed to go home. HAH! I feel smart because I know all those things.

I took my bag and found a small pink tissue. I grab one tissue and start dabbing it around Yukino's nose area.

"I have no idea what I'm doing.." I whispered.

I saw Yukino moving abit.

"I can't go home with you because I don't know who you are.." she murmured softly.

She must be asleep. Phew! Better than being dead.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what or where Magnolia is..this is my home isn't with you.."

My eyes widened. Magnolia? SHE REMEMBERS! I need to tell the others about this.

Suddenly the door slid open revealing Wendy and Romeo.

"I think we should wait for them in the classroom then we shall go home together-"

Wendy's eyes drifted to us.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Wendy asked in a panicky voice.

She ran towards Yukino and I. She sat Yukino up and leaned her against a table. Then she pinched the bridge of Yukino's nose.

"Do you know nothing about treating nosebleeds?" She asked me. Woah she sounds kind of mad.

Romeo pulled my arm away. "Let Wendy Do her thang. Plus, even though she doesn't have her healing powers, she's still pretty cool with treating other people's injuries." Romeo chuckled softly.

I pouted. "She remembers us..well she remembered Magnolia.." I whispered to Romeo's ears.

"Are you serious?" He asked in disbelief.

"She murmured something about it in her maybe a hint of their memories remained."

"I'm glad we're having some sort of progress.." Romeo snickered.

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