New years edition!! Pt. 1

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A/N it's finally 2019 🥵 so this will be like a special happy new year story

Narrator POV

The guild was all in a joyous state to celebrate New Years. The girls were cooking some food and the boys are..well..they're trying to decorate the guildhall.

"Flame Brain! It's New Years not Halloween!" Gray screamed at his pink hair friend that was on a ladder.

"I know! I'm not an idiot!" Natsu shouted back as he jumped onto the ground.

"Then why are you hanging up fake spiders and pumpkins?" Gray sighed.

Natsu folded his arms.

"Jeez Gray we're just trying to be festive."

Natsu then ran towards Sting. There was going to be a massive party in Fairy Tail which would include the other guilds as well.

"Hey Sting! How's the decoration?" Natsu grinned.

Sting faced him with fake anime tears rolling down his cheeks. "I keep eating the white coloured decorations!" He cried.

"That's Sting for ya." Lector chuckled.

"So how's Yuki?" Natsu asked.

Sting immediately started to smile widely.

"He's doing fine really. He's with his mom buying more decorations."

Yuki was Sting's and Yukino's Son. He's about 12 years old right now. Yuki had spiky blonde hair like his Father but soft hazelnut eyes like his mother. Yuki was really fond of capes and feathers due to the influence of his mother. He was really bubbly, fun to be around, humorous but caring and fragile at the same time.

"Ohayo!" Two girls exclaimed while opening the doors of the guild and holding two massive boxes in their arms.

One girl had flowy silver hair and she had her fringe braided to the back. Her eyes were beautifully blue. Her smile matched her mother's. She wore her father's oversized fur jacket and had a simple red dress on that fall down to her knees. She was Nova Dreyar. The daughter of Mirajane Strauss and Laxus Dreyar. She was a little bit of a troublemaker, she would spark fights but she tends to get emotional quick.

"We brought the things." The other girl said.

She had scarlet hair that was braided and resting on her right shoulders. Her eyes were chocolaty brown and she has an obsession with strawberry cakes just like her mother. She is Rosemary Fernandez. It's true that she has no physical traits of her father but she acts as mature as he is.

"Hi mom hi dad!" Rosemary exclaimed while running towards the blue haired and red haired mages who were talking and eating some cake.

"Hello there Rosey." Jellal chuckled while messing up her hair a little.

"Have you seen your two big brothers?" Erza questioned.

"I think Ren-nee and Rin-nee are off on a job right now."

Ren and Rin were the oldest children in the Fernandez family. They were twins as well but Ren was older by 2 minutes. Ren has blue hair like his father's and the same red marking under his eye. But Rin has scarlet locks and the marking under his eye was in blue. Let's say these 2 are one of the strongest wizards in the guild for their age and they're pretty dramatic like their mother. They are witty, dramatic, scary at times but overall, they can be childish like Natsu.

"Look at this Raven! ICE:MAKE FLOWERS!" Gray yelled.

Ice shaped flowers surrounded the guild which put everyone in awe. Gray held his head high in pride.

However, Raven wasn't impress. He didn't display any emotions. Raven Fullbuster is the son to Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser.

"Okay dad." Raven sighed before running towards his mother.

He had his father's emotionless attitude and his mother's clingy behaviour.

"That must've hurt!" Natsu laughed with his daughter Nashi by his side.

"It's okay Uncle Gray, Raven-kun is always like that." Nashi said while wiping the tears at the end of her eyes.

Gray rolled his eyes before continuing to decorate the guild again.

(Pictures of Raven and Nashi are on top )

"I'm not born in the kitchen mom.." Nova mumbled as the kitchen cloths caught on fire.

"That's okay! You'll get use to it." Mira sighed before grabbing a fire extinguisher and putting out the flames.

"Where's dad? It's New Year's Eve and he's out on a job?"

"Well he's on a job with Ren and Rin." Mira snickered.

Unknown to them..Laxus wasn't really on a job.

"So you lied to us..saying that you wanted to go on a job with us but really. All you wanted was for us to help you plan a date with Aunt Mira?" Ren concluded.

Laxus sighed. "Yes, please help me. I don't know much about dates."

Ren and Rin stared at him with pissed off looks before screaming.

"SOMEONE NEEDS OUR HELP IN LOVE!!" Ren squealed and started to skip around happily.

"I've been waiting for this day." Rin whispered.

"We have to go now!!" Ren slung Laxus over his shoulder and started walking towards a shop.

Everyone was staring as they saw a 14 year old boy with a grown up man on his shoulders.

"Hey Rin." A girl smiled.

Ren turned around and saw Kazumi Cheney. The daughter of Rogue Cheney and Kagura Mikazuchi. She was also one of the twin dragons slayers. She had her mother's bangs and her father's black hair. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wield her mother's sword.

"Ah hello Kazumi-Chan." Rin has a massive crush one Kazumi but he wouldn't want to admit it to his mother.

Suddenly, a man and a woman ran up to them while panting.

"Don't run away like that Kaz!" Rogue said as he placed his palm on his knees.

Kagura coughed a little. She drifted her eyes and saw Rin.

"Hello Rin." She smiled.

"Hello Aunt Kagura!" Rin politely greeted.

Kagura began smirking. "Flirting with my daughter eh? When are you two going to get married so Erza-san and I can be true sisters?" Kagura teased.

"Mom.." Kazumi's eyebrows were twitching. "We're only 14."

Rogue placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "Let go find some clothes for tonight's party in Fairy Tail."

Kazumi nodded and waved at Rin which caused him to blush furiously.

"So how about these roses or these dandelions?" Ren asked with sparkles in his eyes and he clung onto Laxus' arm.

They were in front of a flower cart.

"I don't are the love expert." Laxus grunted.

Ren looked at Laxus and smiled widely. "You're right!" He exclaimed before looking at the man who owned the cart.

"I would like to buy your whole cart please." He requested innocently.

"Wait kid! That's quite a lot-"

Ren sighed. "I guess you're right.."

He smiled again. "I would like to buy everything except for the sunflowers please!"

Laxus' soul came out of his body. "IM GOING TO GO BROKE!" He yelled.

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