Go Get Her

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A/N I worked really hard on the next few chapters but worth it! I'm happy with how it turns out and I love the book cover but I wanna make it look more professional. Does anyone know any apps for book cover edits..?

"Everything looks.." Lucy  stared at the dresses blandly. "Not my type."

"Juvia thinks it'll look great on you." Juvia smiles and held up a baby blue dress.

"No blue." Lucy sighed heavily.

The two were waiting for the other girls to finish paying for their dresses. They have yet to find their dresses.

10 minutes into shopping and the boys decided to sit down for lunch while the girls went on.

Meanwhile with the boys

"This is dumb." Gray groaned before taking a sip of his cold plain water.

"Tell me bout it." Laxus grumbled and folded his arm. "Mira asked me the difference between lilac and."

Laxus held up his fingers as air quotes. "Very light purple. They look the same!" Laxus exclaimed.

"Girls." Jellal laughed softly. He straightened his siting posture and sip onto his strawberry smoothie. "But have you guys bought your suits?"

"What's the point of Gray buying a suit? He'll just strip." Lyon snickered.

Gray furrowed his eyebrows. "Shut up." He glowered and elbow Lyon's arm, causing him to wince a little.

"He ain't lying." Natsu smugly smiled.

"You seem happier Natsu." Gray shot back. "Did something happened..perhaps..between you and Lucy?" He smirked.

Natsu stopped smiling and glared at Gray. "Fuck off stripping bastard,"

"Finally food!" Sting yelled as he ran towards the group.

Romeo was blushing from embarrassment as he walked behind Sting.

"Stop embarrassing me.." Romeo murmured under his breath.

Rogue took a seat beside Gajeel without anyone noticing him—except for Gajeel himself of course.

"Wadya got there?" Gajeel said as he checked out Rogue's pale green plastic bag.

"Stuff." Rogue said while bringing the bag away from Gajeel's sight.

Gajeel shot him a questioning look before looking at the others.

"There's a tux store over there!" Romeo pointed to a shop just behind them.

The shop had a huge glass display that had  tuxes of every colour. And ties as well. Below the tuxes, there were polished shoes that ranged from hazelnut brown to inky black.

"Bwat I havwent finwish eatwing!" Sting cried with a mouthful of food.

Rogue cringed and stood up. "Then we'll leave you."

Sting frantically look around as the boys stood up—leaving him behind.

"Bastwards!" Sting sobbed, still consuming as much as he could.

Laxus POV

"Gray put on your pants!" Lyon screamed at Gray who was pant-less.

Gray looked down and immediately covered his 'area'. "Shit lend me your pants Nat-"

Gray stared at Natsu who had burnt holes in his pants. He awkwardly scratched his neck and smiled sheepishly.

"It was stuffy and itchy so I scratched it. And Uhm burnt it because Uhm." Natsu whistled so people would think he was being normal.

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