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Sting POV

It's weird. The others have met Jekko and Mike but I have yet to see Yukino's Boyfriend. I mean..it's not cause I'm jealous.. I'm just curious.

I was at the rooftop with her, Jellal and Erza to eat some lunch.

"So let me guess..another boy confessed to you and you rejected him?" Jellal asked.

Erza continued to nibble on her sandwich. "Of course, I'm not ready for a relationship."

I saw Jellal smirking abit before leaning towards her ear and whispering something that made Erza blushed madly.

But thanks to my dragon hearing, I was able to catch it.

"How about a relationship with me?"

Jellal is so heckin bold! I'm sorry Weisslogia, Jellal is my spirit animal now.

"That's different!!" Erza gawked her sandwich.

"What are they whispering about?" Yukino mumbled to me.

I pretended to be clueless and shrugged.

We were quiet for a bit.

"Hey Yuki." I asked shyly.


"How come I've never seen your boyfriend? His name is Akito..right?"

I saw Yukino froze. She almost dropped her juice box.

"Actually..yeah.I haven't seen Akito ever since your birthday party which was 6 months ago. Where is he?" Erza asked while recovering from her blushing state.

Yukino nervously gulped. "H-he's busy w-with t-things.."

"Wait is Akito not from this school?"

"No, he's from another school called Redhill High. He's a senior there too" Erza answered.

"Long distance relationship?" Jellal chuckled to himself.

"Well I want to know how he looks like!" I exclaimed eagerly.

Yukino sighed before taking out a Polaroid photo of her and Akito.

Akito had blonde hair and really pretty blue eyes. He could be my long lost twin!

"So how's Angel? Does she still hate Akito?" Erza asked.

"Wait Angel?"

Yukino nodded. "My actual blood related sister. She's in Sakura university right now."

"Oh okay...but why does she hate Akito?"

"That's a personal story..gomen." Yukino murmured.

I felt my heart drop but I nodded my head anyways. I need to find out more about this Akito boy and why does Angel not like him? Maybe I could pay Angel a little visit.

*time skip*

Wendy POV

It's been a week since our school festival. I've grown closer to Romeo. However, the others are having a rocky relationship.

Gray hates Jekku. Juvia seemed really frustrated with this. Also Gray has been isolating himself from the others and have been really moody.

Gajeel also stopped bothering Levy which made her worry but Gajeel said it's because he's afraid Mike might hurt him.

Lucy and Natsu are in a death hate relationship.

Sting seemed distant lately, he kept going out of the house to visit a friend of his but I'm not sure. Yukino also looked abit uncomfortable. I asked Erza-nee why and she said it had to do something with Akito. I knew immediately that it was serious.

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