Just You And I

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Kagura POV

My body felt better thanks to Wendy. Though, Mira literally threatened me to act as if I was still in pain so that Rogue could take care of me. I concur, for some reason.

It felt nice to have him by me and look after me when he could be with his friends having fun instead.

The wires were gone but it still felt chilly in the air conditioned room. Suddenly, my door gently opened, revealing the nurse.

"Oh hi.." I said.

She nodded and came in carrying a black glossy box. "It's from someone, unknown.." she said.

She placed the box on my legs and walked away before I could question her further. I reached out for the box and shook it gently.

Sounds like..metal..I carefully lift the box lid. There was a bright pink sticky note on it.

"Please wear this and I'll see you at 7." The note says.

I placed the note beside me and took out the box's content. It was a black dress and some gold accessories. Why would I need to wear such clothings in a hospital? I glanced at the blue wall clock. It's 6:20.

"Well it won't hurt to do what this note says.." I snickered to myself as I held the dress up in the air.

*time skip*

I sat at the edge of my bed, dangling my feet which was inside a golden pair of shoes. It's already 7:10 but no sign of the myse-

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Rogue barged in the door and collapsed on the floor, panting.

I blinked twice before properly reacting to his entrance.

I chuckled and walked towards him. "My my. You're my secret admirer?" I teased as I bent down to meet him eye to eye.

Rogue puffed his cheeks and brush the dirt and leaves off his shoulders.

"I tried to be romantic and climb through the window but I fell," he sighed heavily.

"Which Einstein gave you that bright idea to do such stupid things?"

"Uhm Jellal?" Rogue said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Jellal? Why would he tell you that?"

Rogue shrugged and sat on my bed. I sat beside him and rested my cheeks on his shoulders.

"So what's all this about?" I questioned.

Rogue's exhausted face turned into a smirk. "Since you couldn't go to the dance, I brought the dance to you,"

I gasped a little before smiling cheekily. "Dance? In the hospital room? Are you going crazy?" I joked but it thought it was a really sweet gesture.

Rogue smiled even wider. "Not here," He turned his head and faced the window. "There's somewhere I'd like to bring you but.." he held out his hand. "If you may?"

I was a little surprise at first but I slowly took his hand. He gently pulled me towards the window and open it.

"Hang onto me tight," He grinned.

I stared at him in disbelief. He's not gonna jump..is he.?

"Wait but where are we g-" before I could say anything, he pulled my arm out the window and started running away.

My legs would barely keep up so I just let him drag me to wherever he wants to go.

"Oh we're here," Rogue chuckled.

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