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A/N the realms are named by numbers like '07' :)

Natsu POV

Why is everything black? My face was touching something cold and hard. I couldn't feel my arms or my legs.

"Hey Mr, are you alright?" Someone called out.

I felt some warm hands touched my cheeks. This scent was so familiar. It's Lucy! I opened my eyes and immediately met dark hazelnut orbs.

"LUCE!" I beamed. I pulled her into a hug. "Thank Mavis you're safe!" Suddenly, I felt one of her leg shifted higher. Something was pressing against my chest.

"GET OFF ME, PERVERT!" She shouted, with one try, she shoved me off her and onto the ground with her leg.

She had her arm in a shield position over her chest, her face was all red and she looks like she was fuming with anger.

"W-whats wrong Luce?" That made her even more angrier.

"Do you not remember me?" I added.

"WHO ARE YOU EVEN!" She hissed.

I was shock. I didn't know what to do.

She got up and run away. "WAIT LUCE COME BAC-" Ouch. I tripped over something.

I look down and found a pink bag, I think Luce calls these 'purses'. I took the purse by the handle and flipped it upside down, shaking its content out. I saw brushes, this black circle thing (A/N compact power xd) , a small thick black stick and a mini rectangle shape lacrima I assume.

"What is this?" I picked up the thick black stick and pulled the cover out, revealing a red stick inside of it. Awesome! Technology is advanced.

"Ouch natshu?" Happy! I saw my fellow blue companion got up from the floor and ran towards me, lying his head on my lap. "My head hurts," he murmured.

I softly pat his head and smiled gently. I looked around and saw everyone on the floor, they look like they were unconscious after travelling to this realm. With a huge smirk, I got up and screamed. "THE GIRLS ARE THERE!" Everyone instantly got up and started frantically looking around.

"Where's shrimp?" Gajeel shouted.

I began chortling. Idiots!

"Natsu! That wasn't funny," Meredy huffed and folded her arms.

"Sorry I had to."

"Whatchu got there Natsu-san?" Romeo asked, leaning towards me. I showed him the thick black stick and shrugged.

"Cool a machine?" Jellal said in awed. He placed his hand out, indirectly asking if he could have it. I gave it to him. He closely inspected it.

"What can you do with it?" Sting asked. Everyone was crowded around me, looking at the thick black stick when suddenly,

"That's a lipstick, you idiot!" Minerva laughed.

Meredy and her began laughing and rolling on the floor. "Y-Yeah we knew that!" Sting blushed in embarrassment.

"Why do you have a lipstick and a pink purse, Natsu," Lyon sighed.

I looked down at the scattered items. Lucy's scent lingered in them.

"I saw Lucy," I confessed.

Their eyes widened. They began bombarding me with questions, mostly related to the other girls. "I only saw Lucy but she acted like.. like she didn't even know who I am," I sighed.

Laxus was the only one who stood, he had his finger on his chin. awkward silence fall upon us when suddenly, the small mini lacrima started ringing.

"Oh no! What do I do??" I asked around.

I held the mini lacrima on my palms and shoved it at everyone's faces but they backed away.

"Answer it flame brain!" Gray shouted. "OKAYOKAY!" I yelled. I pressed on the mini lacrima and waited.

"No one," I whispered when suddenly, a voice started speaking.

"Hey Lu-Chan!" Gajeel's mouth dropped. It was Levy. He shoved Jellal aside and tried to snatched the lacrima from me but I kicked him in the face.

"Go away!" I mouthed to him.

"Give it to me salamander! It's shrimp," he furiously mouthed back.

Minerva intruded our silent conversation by death glaring both of us. "We need to answer back!" She mouthed. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Oh hi Levy!" I said in a girly voice.

Gray and Gajeel started silently laughing at me. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Are you alright Lu-Chan? You sound..weird,"

"Yes I'm so totally fine! Just having that time of the month again!" I didn't know what I was blabbering about but I compiled all my knowledge about girls that Luce would rant to me about.

"Uhm didn't know it would affect your voice but alright! So I'll be coming home late because I volunteered to help organised some books in the library for Ms Carter. Tell Erza to keep some cake for me if that's possible," Levy chuckled at the last bit of her sentence.

Gajeel immediately interrupted me before I could speak. "Where are you?" Idiot! He forgot his girl voice.

"Wait..Who are you?" Crap we're going to get exposed.

Minerva and Meredy were face palming at our stupidity and shaking their head left and right.

"Sorry that was my neighbour! Evan." I lied.

"Uhm Lu-Chan we live in the same house, your neighbour is my neighbour. Our neighbour is an old couple.." Levy said.

Before I could reply, Jellal snatched the phone from me. He glared at us and positioned his finger on his lips to tell us to be quiet.

"I don't mean house neighbour silly! I mean..neighbouring country! I have a friend from a neighbouring country," Jellal giggled.

We all laughed at Jellal's girly voice. He was even twirling the end of his hair with his finger!

"Oh well I guess that makes sense?"

"So where are you?"

"I told you. In the library,"

"Where's our house?" That was the most idiotic question I have ever heard.

"Okay Lu-Chan your period must be really serious. Our house is in Lakewater lane. Avenue 2! Our house number is 5467. Jeez you better go home and get some rest! Now bye Lu-Chan. See you at home~" Levy cooed before putting the phone down.

We stared at each other before bursting into laughter.

"That was funny!" Lyon commented, wiping the tears from the end of his eyes.

"Okay now we know where they live. Time to approach them?" Romeo suggested. I shook my head.

"Luce didn't remember me. What if something was wrong with her memories? I'm sure that's applied to the others as well. Levy didn't even remember your voice Gajeel!" I mumbled.

Gajeel stopped laughing and frowned.

"We must take caution and approach this in another way then," Jellal thought out loud.

We nodded in agreement.

Do You Remember Me? [completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now