Fake Boyfriend

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A/N this whole chapter is dedicated to MirAxus. The next few chapters will mostly be NaLu and JeRza so ;> Alsooo school is starting like tomorrow so updates might be a lil slow but I'll post all the chapters I've written beforehand

Laxus POV

Mira didn't tell me she lived in a mansion! Although, her family isn't haughty, they're really..welcoming..maybe too welcoming.

"Ah Mirajane!" A woman in her mid 40s exclaimed.

She had white hair tied in a classy bun and blue eyes which were similar to Mira's.

"Oh hi mom!" Mira grabbed my arm. "This is my boyfriend Laxus!"

I blushed. "B-Boyfriend?" I stammered.

Mira glared at me scarily while still smiling sweetly. The She-devil still lives even when the memories are gone.

Her mother's face became scary but she still smiled. Is this devilish face a mother and daughter thing?

"That's good to hear." Her mother said.

She was inspecting me up and down until a high pitched voice boomed through the microphone.

"Hello family and friends!" A girl cheeped on stage.

She looks like Lisanna a lot. There's no difference except for the slightly darker eyes. Mira noticed my staring and elbowed me.

"Don't gawked at my sister!" She huffed.



"Mhm. That's my younger sister. Saeko Strauss, she's a junior and class president of Natsu's class."

I wonder if Saeko is this realm's Lisanna..

After the long speech Saeko gave, it was finally time for dinner. Everything here was so.. ornate and fancy. I didn't fit in.

"So Laxus is it?" A man in his early 50s spoke.

He had white hair and dark brown eyes. I'm guessing that he's Mira's father.

"Yes." I calmly replied.

"We've never heard much from Mira about you but she said you two have been dating for about 5 months now?"

I almost spat the drink I was sipping on.


Why was Mira lying to them about me? I glanced at Mira who was pleading me to go along with the story.

I sighed. "Yes we've been dating for 5 months now.." I mumbled.

"Mirajane. You know mama and papa always chose the finest suitors for you. Why would you choose him?" Her mother said sort of insultingly.

Mira rolled her eyes but continued to smile. "You said if I'm able to find a boyfriend before my 18th birthday this Saturday then you won't intervene. Well lookie here!" She gestured towards me proudly.

I leaned towards her ear. "We need to have a talk about this."

She playfully laughed and pushed me away. After a few hours of eating and drinking, I lost Mira. Oh great. I'm all alone now.

"Hey Laxus!" Someone called out.

I turned behind and saw Saeko smiling at me.

"Take care of Mira-nee for us okie?" She winked at me.

"Uhm Okay..? It's not like she's going any-"

"Nono." She laughed softly. Her smile became smaller and she looked away.

"Take care of her when you bring her back to Magnolia." Saeko grinned before running off to her parents.

Wait..WHAT. How does Saeko even know..but most importantly..how does she know and the others don't..and she isn't even part of our realm.

"Lost me?" A familiar voice spoke.

I turned around and saw Mira smirking. What's with the Strauss sisters and disappearing and popping out of nowhere? She motioned her hand towards a window.

"Let's ditch." She suggested devilishly.

I noticed a bottle in her hand. Oh no.

"Have you been underage drinking Mira?" I sighed.

She placed her index finger on her lips and winked. "Only god can tell!" She cooed.

This woman is the actual devil.

She ran off towards a window out of the hall we were in. I had to chase her in case she does something stupid. She climbed out of the window and jumped onto the roof.

"Are you insane, your parents would worry about you!" I yelled out of the window.

She shrugged and continued jumping till the top of the roof. Using my strength, I managed to jump onto the roof in a second.

"Fast.." she murmured with a sly smirk.

She was siting on the rooftop and patting the place beside her. I slowly sat beside her.

"Look, you can have a clear view of the city." She said in awe as she pointed to the city filled with lights.

It's true. The city is beautiful at night.

Awkward silence fall on us until I decided to break it.

"Mind telling me what's with the lies?"

Mira's smile instantly dropped.

"You see, my parents have been finding me men whom they think is attractive to be my boyfriend." She stared off at the distance before smiling.

"I rejected all of them because I hardly ever knew them. I made a deal with my parents that by my 18th birthday, I'd find a boyfriend and they can't intervene with my love life then..if I don't, I'll have them pick my partners."

"Oh.." I mumbled.

"But that's why I brought you here..so you can be my 'boyfriend' and so they'll finally get off my back.." she looked at me sadly.

"Gomen for using you."

I started to blush. "No it's quite alright. You had your reasons."

She nodded and hugged her knees.

"But you're Mirajane. Every boy in school would die to be your boyfriend." I teased.

Mira stuck out her tongue in disgust. "They only like me for my looks not for who I really am. So I'm having a difficult time finding the boy of my dreams." She sighed.

We locked eyes for a moment. I felt everything slowly fade away. Just the two of us left in this world. We leaned in closer.

"The power of love!" Mavis' words kept repeating in my head.

Slowly, I felt gentle lips pressed against mine. I kissed her back. It was a short kiss before she broke it.

"Gomen.." She stammered while holding onto my collar.

"It's alright." I looked away so she won't see my red face.

Suddenly, I saw something in her eyes that changed. Her eyes widened and she jot up standing. She pulled her dress up to reveal her thighs.

"H-hey What are you doing!" I exclaimed at her sudden action.

"Finding my Fairy Tail guildmark." She said in a 'duh' tone.

"Y-you remember..?" I gasped.

She stared at me before hugging me. "Can't believe I forgot my family." She chuckled.

I hugged her back. I felt so relieve she remembered.

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