Starry Nights

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Levy POV

"You can't possibly go home alone am I right?" The tall long hair boy asked. He looked and sound desperate.

"Well uhm I'll be fine," I reassured.

"I'll walk you home." He walked closer to me. I waved both my hands "nono it's alright!"

"What if you get kidnapped?" He grunted while folding his arms.

I clammed my hands together again and shook my head left and right. "I'll be okay. Besides, I don't even know you,"

He looked hurt when I said that.

"Yeah but uhm I don't want anything to happen to our tourguide for tomorrow," his frown became a smirk.

"Thud thud," holy crap is that my heartbeat? I placed my hand on my chest, I felt my cheeks turning slightly pink.

"That's good to know," I smiled. Suddenly, I saw a black cat came to him. He looked down and grinned. He grabbed the cat up. "Hey Pantherlily. Want a Kiwi?" He offered.

"Cats don't eat Kiwi!" I shouted. He looked at me with a blank expression before taking out a Kiwi fruit from his pocket and giving it to the black cat.

I sighed heavily and massaged my forehead. The cat was siting in his arm.

"Let's go," he started walking.

"Wait I don't know your name!" I exclaimed, catching up to him.

"Gajeel Redfox."

I mumbled a 'mhm' before looking down. After a quiet 20 minutes walk, we arrived at my house.

"Go on. Knock," He stated. I was standing in front of the pale pink door. I'm terrified of Erza-nee! Slowly, I knock softly on the door, not expecting anyone to hear it.

"You call that a kno-"

"BAM" the door bursted open, revealing a worried Erza and Lucy.

Lucy enveloped her arms around me and cried anime tears. "WHY ARE YOU BACK SO LATE!" She whined. I hugged her back, not daring to come face to face with Erza-nee.

"Who are you?" I heard Erza-nee asked. Erza-nee had her arms on her hips and was glaring at Gajeel.

Gajeel simply shrugged. "It was late so I accompanied her home. I'm her Friend," Gajeel grinned.

"Well thank you." Erza simply answered before shutting the door close. I let go of Lucy and sprinted to the living room where Juvia, Kagura and Yukino were watching television.

Juvia looked up from the television and gasped. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU LITTLE BLUEBERRY!" Juvia jumped off the sofa and hugged me tightly.

"I'm not thaat late," I said, emphasising on the 'that'.

"You could've at least informed one of us," Kagura folded her arms and looked at me.

"I did! I told Lu-Chan!" I turned around and look at Lucy who was busy stuffing her mouth with strawberries.

"Nani?" She denied.

"I called you on your cellphone!"

"Oh yeah. About my cellphone.."

Lu-Chan explained to us about her encounter with a pink hair boy. She also lost her pink purse but had already reported it. I can't help but think about the pink hair boy I saw today in the library.

"That means when you tried to call Lucy, it was someone else who answered," Yukino concluded.

My face turned bright red. How could I not differentiate the voice? I was stupid enough to believe it!

"It doesn't matter. Let's hope the police get back to us quick," Kagura-nee sighed. She lay her head on the couch pillows and had the remote on her hand, pointing towards the television.

"Oh you're back Levy-san!" A voice spoke.

I turned around and saw Wendy and Mira-nee wearing matching aprons except Wendy was wearing a green one while Mira-nee wore a violet one. Our house was pretty much colour coded to show what belonged to who.


Pink = Lucy
Blue = Juvia
Green = Wendy
Purple = Mira-nee
Red = Erza-nee
White = Yukino
Black = Kagura-nee
Orange = me duh

"Mira-nee and I baked brownies!" Wendy said. I giggled. She had brownie batter all over her cheeks and fingers. Some were even on her hair. Mira-nee had a piping back with pink frosting in it. She was licking her fingers which was covered in batter. The funniest thing was that, there were rainbow sprinkles and edible glitter all over their aprons.

"Messy job huh?" Yukino laughed.

Wendy looked down on herself and blushed. "I need a bath."

"You go ahead and bathe first. I'll clean the kitchen," Mira-nee said while licking her last finger.


Before Wendy left the room, I asked. "Hey, you guys are free tomorrow, am I right?"

"Yeah," they replied in unison. I nodded my head in reply.

"There are a bunch of new people in town. Can you guys accompany me to tourguide them around here?" I shyly requested.

"They can tourguide themselves!" Lu-chan huffed before plopping down on her favourite pink silk armchair.

"Aw please~" I begged, giving them my famous puppy eyes.

"Well Mira, Kagura and I were planning to study for our finals," Erza said. I can't possibly tourguide alone! I'm too socially awkward.

"Besides, I have a project to do.." Yukino muttered, glancing at Lucy and Juvia who nodded their heads.

"Our Mid Years are coming Levy-san, it's important we ace it," Wendy continued.

I puffed my cheeks and folded my arms. "Pretty please! I promise them! I can't do it alone." I pleaded.

I heard Mira-nee sighed heavily before giggling. "Alright alright! Come on guys. We've been studying a lot these past few days. Let's take a break."

"Fine but if I don't graduate, I'll see you in court Mira," Kagura-nee stated. I have no idea whether she was joking or not.

"I do want to take a break from projects," Juvia groaned. Lucy still shook her head left and right.

"Come on, you party pooper!" Juvia exclaimed before bashing Lucy with her baby blue pillow.

"Oh you wanna fight?" Lucy hit Juvia back with her pink pillow.

"PILLOW FIGHT!!" Juvia and Lucy declared.

We began hitting each other with pillows. Without us knowing, Wendy snuck out to have a bath. Yep! This is my family. My sisters. My home. The people I love with all my heart. I'll never exchange what I have now for anything in the world!

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