Je ta'ime

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A/N get ready for some fluff!

Narrator POV

Rogue tried his best and pushed off the red car from his brunette companion.

There, she lied, so lifelessly in her pool of blood. The red liquid was rolling down her head and she wasn't moving.

With tears streaming down his face, Rogue carried her bridal style and began running around frantically.

"HELP!" He yelled.

"ROGUE!" A male voice called out.

It was Gajeel and Levy.

Levy's eyes widened as she dropped the stack of books she was carrying.

"Kagura-nee!" Levy cried out.

She ran towards Kagura and placed her hand on Kagura's shoulders.

"We have to bring her to the hospital!" Levy shouted.

Rogue held back his tears and nodded. He gripped onto Kagura tighter and started following Levy to the hospital.

Once they burst into the hospital, Rogue began shouting like a mad man.

"HELP US!" He cried.

The desk lady stared at them in shock.

"Isn't that Porlyusica..?" Gajeel muttered under his breath but nobody heard it.

The desk lady began calling out the other nurses and soon, two female nurses ran into the room with a bed on wheels.

Rogue reluctantly gave Kagura to them.

Gajeel placed his hand on Rogue's shoulders and sighed. "C'mon we can't do anything but wait for now," Gajeel whispered.

Rogue continued to cry.

"Is this my fault? Did I c-cause this..?" Rogue thought silently to himself.

*time skip*

Rogue POV

The room was silent. The only thing that could be heard was the ticking sound of the clock on the wall. The sound of people's footsteps was so distant from me. Even though Gajeel and Levy were beside me, I felt alone and..cold.

I hunched my back and stared in between my feet.

It went too fast. Just a moment ago Kagura and I were joking about me wearing a maid costume then we were arguing about Simon then..she got hit by a car.

What am I going to do? What would I tell Millianna and everyone else in Mermaid heel? How am I going to tell everyone when I come back that I could possibly be the reason why one of their Nakama died? Wait- I probably shouldn't assume she died but she did get hurt.

Gosh, I feel so guilty I can't-

"Uhm excuse me? Mr.."


"Mr Cheney. You may visit the patient now." The nurse in a pale green uniform told me.

I nodded calmly and opened the door. Before I went in, I took a short glance at Gajeel and Levy. They were sleeping and leaning against each other. Levy's hair was a mess and she had tear stains on her cheeks and uniform.

I took a deep breath and went in.

Kagura was on the bed, in a white shirt, draped over a white blanket. Her signature ribbon headband was gently placed beside her on a brown desk. It had bloodstains on it. Kagura has wires piercing her skin and some sort of breathing mask.

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