Shadow pt. 2

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Lisanna POV

Tell me this isn't happening. Yukino and Mira-nee just disappeared with a puff of purple smoke! Fortunately, that figure, whom I assume was Shadow, lost interest in us and disappeared. My legs were shaking. I didn't dare to move.

"YUKINO!" Sorano cried. She was on her knees on the ground. Rain started to pour harder than it ever had. Is that Juvia? With trembling legs, I crawled towards Elfman and placed his head on my lap, letting blood from his head stain my clothes.

The warm tears flowed down my cheeks.

"Mira-nee," I whimpered. I hope they're okay, wherever they are.

Juvia POV

I'm so lucky! I get to be with Team Natsu! I could burst from happiness right now. Best of all, I get to fight along side my precious Gray! Can things get any better? Maybe after this we could go for dinner and then a stroll in the park and maybe we co-

"Oi Juvia. Snap back to reality will ya?" The voice of my precious gray pierced through my imagination.

"Sorry Gray-sama," I whispered.

I was behind the whole team, following their every step. So far, we found nothing.

"LIS!" A voice bellowed. Everyone swiftly turned their head to where it came from.

"Was that Yukino?" Love rival stammered.

"They must've made contact with Shadow. Let's move!" Erza ordered before running off.

I had trouble trying to catch up with them. I should work out more often. After 10 minutes of running around, we stopped due to exhaustion.

"We're lost..aren't we..?" Love Rival panted while resting her palms on her knees.

The thunder roared and raindrops dripped down. This sensation was way too familiar to me.

"I can't smell anything in the rain dammit!" Natsu yelled in frustration. Love rival walked up to him and place her hand on his shoulder. "Chill, we'll find them.." she smiled. I saw Natsu relaxed abit before sighing heavily.

A good thing about being a water mage is that, you can hear every splash or any contact made with water. In the rain, where everything is havoc, you need to have peace in yourself to be able to hear the smallest of drops. I closed my eyes and concentrated. "Mira-nee.." I heard someone sobbed. It came from the right.

"I can sense some dark magic there," Erza pointed to the left side of the forest.

"Juvia thinks they're there!" I exclaimed, pointing to the right.

Erza looked at me briefly before tapping her chin. "Natsu, Gray and I will go after wherever this dark magic is coming from. Wendy, Lucy, and Juvia will go find Yukino. Now spread!" She demanded.

(A/N the exceeds were told to stay in the guild in case it was too dangerous)

I ran off with Lucy and Wendy on my tail. The trees were humongous! I felt like I was running in circles and circles because everywhere looked the same. I tried my hardest to concentrate and not lose that voice I heard a moment ago.

"J-Juvia-san.." I heard someone called out my name in a faint voice.

I turned around and saw Wendy, collapsed flat on the floor. Her body was covered in purple ruins. She was breathing loudly and heavily.

"WENDY!" Lucy wailed. She got down on her knees and held Wendy's shoulders. I ran towards them and kneeled beside Lucy.

"Oh nonono!" Lucy cried.

Wendy turned into a bright light of purple before disappearing. Still shock, Lucy stared down her arms. "WEND-" a figure came kicking us at the jaw.

"JUVIA!" Lucy yelled before harshly being thrown on the floor. Her keys flew far from us. She landed on the floor beside me. We faced each other with fear written on our faces. "L-Lucy," I stuttered.

With every bit of my strength, I look up and saw a black cloaked figure. Is that Shadow?

"Good girls won't resist," he smirked a little then, everything went black.

Erza POV

Dammit where is it? The source of magic is getting stronger and stronger. I can-

"Ouch!" I tripped on a rock. I felt my legs touched the harsh ground. The sound of my armour was sharp and clear.

"You okay?" I looked up and saw Jellal? He was smiling at me and offering a hand up. I completely forgotten about Gray and Natsu. What is Jellal doing here?

I felt the heat rushed up my face. With trembling arms, I reached for his hand. He slowly helped me up.

"Gullible?" I heard Jellal laughed.

I looked up and to my horror, I saw Jellal's face melt, revealing a raven hair guy with purple eyes. He must be Shadow! I felt my blood boil. Before I could re-equip into a different set of armour, he blasted magic straight through my guts.

"GAH!" I felt warm red liquid coughed out my mouth.

I fall to my knees. Everything went blur. I saw his face, stupidly smirking at me. The last thing I saw was purple mist engulfing the area.

"Screw you Shadow," I muttered under my breath before lying flat on the floor and everything turned black.

Gray POV

Oh great! We lost Erza. In the forest. For fuck sake give us a break. The rain wasn't helping the situation either.

"G-Gray!" Natsu pointed to a shining purple light from right ahead. It was the shape of a woman. I saw a glimpse of scarlet.

"ERZA!" Both Natsu and I screamed. But it was too late. The purple light already faded away.

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