To The Centre

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Lucy POV

"Natsu! What are you doing here!" I cried out.

Natsu rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged in a playful manner, "I smelled you so I thought I you? Do you need help?" He asked eagerly.

"No.." I sighed heavily.

"We don't have time to waste!" Kagura snapped, "He's waiting for us!" She urged.

I nodded my head and straightened my posture, "Let's go!" I yelled.

"Wait! Kagura! You're going after Shadow, aren't you?" Rogue forcefully pulled Kagura's wrist towards him.

Kagura didn't bother to struggle. Her eyes were filled with sympathy and pain—reminiscing when Rogue died previously.

"We'll go after him..together!" Natsu beamed.

I couldn't help but smile too. "Unstoppable when we're united," I chuckled softly.

I couldn't argue or stay serious with that witty charming voice of his.

Erza POV

"Jeez, whats with you and always hurting yourself!" Milliana pouted.

Jellal wrapped my forearm with a bandage and studied it carefully, "Should be all better," he looked at me and lifted the forearm up.

He smiled and kissed my hand gently, "Now it's definitely healed,"

I blushed but I didn't have the energy to pull back my hand.

"Her injury is the forearm, not the palm, Romeo," Milliana sighed in a bored tone.

Jellal turned crimson red. He placed my hand on my lap and stood up. "Let's go back to Master Makarov." He began walking away.

"Wait jellal!" I called out.

He halted and looked at me.

"Aren't you suppose to be surveying the east region? Not the south?" I questioned and slowly stood up.

Jellal bit his lip and looked away. Oh no. Don't tell me it's another disguise.

"I'm heckin tired of this," I mumbled and summoned a sword.

I held it to my waist level and pointed it to Jellal, "Why are you here?" I spoked.

"To save you," He said.

His eyes were covered by his bangs.His aura doesn't feel like Shadow's.


"Duh! Who else would he be?" Milliana sighed—irritated.

"Oh I'm sorry," I blushed lightly and the sword in my hand disappear.

Jellal sighed heavily, "That's alright..let's just..go.." he turned his back on me and started moving forward.

"To the centre" I continued quietly.

Levy POV

"These two dorks were worried about you Lev," Gajeel grunted.

Jet and droy hovered around me like I'm a toddler and began performing immature first aid.

"I'm fine," I chuckled and stared at the bandage Jet was wrapping around my barely scratched knee, "I need to go, can't really stay here,"

"Where are you going to go Levy-chan?" Droy asked with fake anime tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Somewhere, Lu-chan and the others need me," I sighed and looked away.

"I'm coming with you," Gajeel said.

He crossed his arms and looked at me in the  eye.  I gulped and nodded my head reluctantly.

"Just don't get hurt okay," I wobbly stood up and furrowed my eyebrows to show that I was serious.

"Shrimp, you're literally smaller than me and more..French fry-like than me. You're the one who should be more careful," Gajeel sighed and walked ahead.

I looked at his back view. Why is he like this? Is he looking down on my abilities?

Narrator POV

The girls and guys sprinted towards the centre of the forest. The guys knew nothing except for the fact that Shadow was waiting for their arrival while the girls knew their plan inside out.

A sacrifice has to be made in order for them to open a portal and Ensure that it is locked for good so despite any portal magic wielder strong abilities, the portal couldn't be open. Portal opening magic is rare and comes in two different forms—the pure one which allows the users to open portals like Shadow. Or a celestial mage which allows the use to summon or open portals to the celestial world.

"Natsu," Lucy huffed and caught up beside her pink haired Friend.

"What is it Luce?" Natsu grinned but continued to run.

Lucy noticed Natsu's increased speed and ran even faster, "I just want you to know that..I'm here for you okay but you don't have to be there for me," Lucy frowned.

Natsu's grin dropped, "Huh? Luce, what nonsense are you babbling about?"

Lucy looked away, "Whatever We're planning to do next migh- will be dangerous..Shadow is a minacious wizard," Lucy reminded.

"I know but we're Fairy Tail, we can beat him for sure."

"I hope so but just so you's dangerous," Lucy paused—thinking whether or not she should confess their plan.

"Nevermind, lets just get going," Lucy mumbled.

Meanwhile with Sting, Yukino, Laxus and Mira

"I smell them up ahead!" Laxus led the group towards the centre.

"Aye!" Mira chuckled.

Yukino and Sting were catching up from behind.

"Yuki! You're going a bit to slow there," Sting laughed and slowed down his pace.

Yukino turned red and crossed her arms, "I-I know that, a lot on my mind, that's all!" Yukino panted.

Sting frowned a little, "what's wrong Yukino?"

Yukino sighed at the mention of her full name, "somethings can't be prevented, can they?" She chuckled sorrowfully and ran even faster.

Sting stood rooted to the ground; speechless. "What do you mean..Yukino..?"

A/N Long time no update 😭 I'm so caught up with school istg but this is a short chapter

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