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Lucy POV

"Luce wake up! Luce!!" I felt my shoulders being vigorously shook. My hair was smacking my cheeks, leaving a stinging pain on it.

"What do you want?" I manage to speak up. I half opened one of my eyes and saw Natsu's face so close to mine. He was on top of me on my bed.

Both my eyes immediately shot open and my face turned into the colour of Erza's hair.

"It's 6:45," it took me while to process what he was saying. We stared at each other for about a good minute or so before I pushed him off me.

"THE MISSION!" I shouted. I wipe the drool of my face and ran to my closet.

I took out a plane pink shirt with some baby blue jeans and black boots. Before I undressed, I turned around and death glare at Natsu and Happy who were innocently watching me.

"NO PEAKING!" I screamed. They pouted before turning around and facing the wall. I quickly changed my clothes and give my teeth a quick brush.

Before I could tie my hair, I heard Natsu groaned "Stop making us late Luce!" I could see his reflection through the mirror. He turned around with a devilish smile and yanked me by my waist.

"WAI-" He carried me over his shoulder and sprinted towards the guild with Happy following him like a lost puppy.

Mira POV

I can't help but giggle whenever I recalled yesterday. I've never seen Erza so..vulnerable. The great Titania was blushing. Too bad Master didn't make Fairy Tail fight side by side with Crime Sorcière. Things would've been a bit more fun.

Everyone had their weapons and was prepared the leave the guild. Just waiting for Master's further command.

"Good morning Mira-San!" A sweet voice greeted.

"Good morning Wendy!" I smiled.

Suddenly, the guild door burst opened revealing Natsu with Lucy over his shoulder. Lucy's hair was all over the place and she had a frozen shock face. Yes! Team NaLu is making progress. And I know it's crazy to think about my OTPs (one true pairing) when we're about to face a serious criminal but can you seriously resist?

"Bright and early," I heard Laxus muttered under his breath.

"Listen up brats! Sabertooth has already made their move. Let's go now!" Master Makarov instructed.

The guild bursts into a motivational state and fist pump the air. Our journey starts here.

Not soon after, we met up with Sabertooth. All of us scattered around in the South region. I was with my siblings, Elfman and Lisanna, and Yukino along with Sorano who insisted on coming with us instead of following her guild. The South region was more of a forested area.

"Nothing so far! This is boring," Sorano yawned as she stretch her arms towards the back and her chest outwards.

"Shadow is pretty sneaky.." I replied.

Elfman was walking ahead because he claimed it was manly to walk in front.

Suddenly, I saw a glimpse of at the corner of my eyes.

"Somethings here!" I warned the others. Mist started to engulf the area.

Luckily, I still had a good eye on Lisanna, Yukino and Sorano who were back to back with each other. But Elfman was no where to be seen. I felt wind pressed against my dress.

"Elfman!" I called out. How did it get so dark so quickly? I transformed into my satan soul and fan the mist away with one powerful flap of my wings.

My eyes widened, Elfman was beaten and bruised on the ground with blood gushing out his mouth. A figure had his/her foot pressed against his chest.

"YOU BASTARD!" I screamed. I jot towards the figure in full blast, aiming my fist directly to their head but a purple mist engulfed me instead. Oh crap.

Yukino POV

I stared in disbelief. The figure summoned some sort of portal or opened some sort of gate and it swallowed Mira whole! He turned his head to us. He pointed his hand to Lisanna and shot some dark magic towards her.

"LIS!" I screamed, pushing her out of the way. Everything turned black. The last thing I saw was Lisanna watching me with eyes filled with horror. Sorano had her hands reached out to me but I couldn't grab her hand back. I felt myself, not only blacking out, but slowly being suck out of the world. That's the only way I could explain this sickening feeling.

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