Fall Apart

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Juvia POV

I was watching the television, waiting for Lucy and Erza to come home from the library. I promised Jekku that I won't talk to Gray anymore if it made him that uncomfortable. It was all peaceful until that ice prick came in the living room and sat beside me.

"Can we watch something else?" He spoke.

"This is my favourite show." I insisted coldly.

He sighed and shifted his weight on the arms of the sofa. I felt his gaze upon me but decided to ignore it.

"Do you remember when we did unison raid?" He chuckled painfully.

"What the hell is unison raid? Never heard of it." I scoffed.

Gray formed his lips to an 'o' shape and fiddled with his shirt.

"Juvia. What if I told you I love you?" He asked.


Wait hold up. Where the fuck did that come from?

"That's probably a lie." My expression soften. "Nobody has ever loved me before except for Jekku-Sama." I whispered.

Gray's face showed disgust when I mentioned Jekku-Sama's name.

"Okay I'm sorry." He chuckled.

I folded my arms. "Sorry for what?"

Gray waved his hand dismissively in the air. "For interrupting your relationship with Jekku. I love you and your happiness is above mine so please. As long as you're happy okay?"

I felt my face heat up. My heart was beating quickly, I was sweating. Why am I sweating. I found myself unconsciously blushing and smiling.

"Thanks Gray-Sama." I immediately covered my mouth.


Gray smiled widely. "You remember?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"I miss you so much!" He grinned and pulled me into a tight hug.

I didn't have the power to shove him off. "I-i." Was what came stuttering out my lips.

"Gosh we can go home now!" He cried happily.

I heard the door creak open and something paper-like fall on the floor. I pushed Gray off me with all my strength.

"J-Jekku-Sama!" I yelled.

On the floor was a beautifully decorated board which said 'will you go to prom with me?'. Jekku's fingers were bleeding cause he gripped onto the bouquet tightly and despite the parchment paper wrapped around the bouquet of roses, the thorns were piercing through the paper and impaling his fingers.

"What the fuck Juvia!" Jekku shouted.

That was the first time I saw Jekku lost his cool. I felt time paused.

Jekku averted his blue orbs to the now half naked Gray. Not a good timing to strip Gray.

"What did you do!" He flounced towards Gray but Gray instantly clenched onto his collar.

"Piece of shit! Juvia is mine!" Jekku  gritted his teeth.

"She was mine first!" Gray retorted.

"Woah- GRAY STOP!" Lyon screamed with a scared Meredy behind him.

They came back from buying groceries.

Lyon forcefully grabbed Gray by the back and pulled him away.

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