Who Are You Really?

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A/N don't forget to vote and comment, it'll mean a lot to me <3

Narrator POV

The day was going on as usual. Lucy was miraculously healed and she said it was thanks to a sudden rise of temperature last night. Natsu was relieved she didn't recall anything but he found out Jellal had some..material to blackmail him with.

As normal, they were in class, sorta listening to the Teachers talk when suddenly, the wall announcer spoke.

"Hello, guys!" Mira beamed.

The boys all started fondly listening to her sweet voice while the girls folded their arms in envy.

"I have some news! There'll be a fall dance!"

The girls started to burst into joy and chat among themselves about what'll they do.

"However, our last year's dance was a..failure. Because nobody wanted to volunteer to help the planning committee." There was a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"So I'm going to choose the volunteers! May I have Gray, Jekku, Lyon, Meredy, Minerva, Sting, Rogue, Laxus, Natsu, Mike, Gajeel, Jellal and Romeo to report to the office?"

The boys immediately knew that the she-devil was up to something. Hesitantly, they made their way to the office only to see Mira sitting on the Principal's chair with her legs on the table and a sly smirk plastered on her face.

"Hello!" She chirped while sitting down properly.

"Uhm Hi Mira-nee!" Romeo said cheerfully.

Nothing bothers him anymore because Wendy remembers him. His portion of the Mission was completed and successful.

"So let's get right down to business!" She smiled widely.

Gray and Natsu groaned. "Why must we help? We don't know anything about dances.."

Mira pouts and placed her index finger on her chin. "Then this will be a good experience, would it not?"

"But we volunteered last year, must we do it again?" Mike protested as Jekku nodded his head strenuously.

Mira tilted her head to the side a bit and smiled at them. She had an infamous demonic smile and she was glaring at them but still maintaining a sweet face.

"Who's the leader?" She asked innocently.

Jekku gulped. "Y-you."

"Then I'm in fucking charge." She said nicely.

"Okay Mira..we'll help." Sting sighed, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Mira clapped her hands together and stood up. "Oh there's so much to do!" She cheered before skipping out of the office.

Everyone sweatdropped at how fast she changed.

Mira led them to the hall. In front of them were boxes filled with colourful streamers sticking out and glitter on the floor.

"So the theme is autumn!"

"Shrimp's favourite season.." Gajeel whispered but Mike heard it so he glared at him.

"You can skip the lessons for today to decorate the hall. I wish you the best of luck!" She exclaimed before leaving the hall.

"That she-devil ain't going to help us?" Natsu sighed.

"Don't call her that!" Lyon snapped. "She might hear.." he glanced at the door a bit and saw Mira peaking through in-between the doors and smiling at them.

"I'm terrified." Jekku shivered.

"We should get this over with," Rogue said while squatting down and opening a box.

"Wait." Mike interrupted.

"I would like to get to know everyone first.." He added.

They glanced at each other and nodded. They sat in a circle and began introducing each other, starting with Minerva.

"I'm Minerva Orland."


A/N I'm not sure of Meredy's last name

"Lyon Vastia."

"Romeo Conbolt."

"Jellal Fernandez."

"Natsu Dragneel heh."

"Jekku Fullbuster."

Everyone gasped except for Mike who already knew.

"D-did you just say Fullbuster?" Meredy stuttered.

Jekku furrowed his eyebrows. He had a bad history with his parents and right now, he's living with his foster parents. "Got a problem with that?"

"Not at all. In fact. I'm Gray Fullbuster." Gray sneered.

"Well, I'm Mike Redfox." Mike awkwardly said.

"Gajeel Redfox."

"Sting Eucliffe."

"Rogue Cheney."

"And I'm Laxus Dreyar."

"Uh So now we all know each other let us continue working," Romeo suggested before grabbing a brown box and taking out its content.

Nobody mentioned it but there was a dark aura surrounding Jekku and Gray.

"Why would Mira group us like this.." Meredy mumbled.

Flashback to the family gathering.

"So now that you remember..care to lend us a hand to help your sisters remember as well?" Laxus requested.

Mira nodded. "I've got a plan!" She grinned.

Back to reality.

Sting and Rogue were setting up a ticket booth outside. Rogue was neatly placing a red and white checkered cloth on the wooden table while Sting placed some fake orange flowers.

"DRINGG!" The bell rang, signalling the end of the school day.

"Timepass by fast.." Sting sighed.

"Yeah, the blood moon is next Friday." Rogue frowned.

Suddenly, Sting saw a flash of silver near a bunch of trees.

"Yukino..?" Sting whispered.

"What is it?" Rogue asked.

Sting shook his head left and right but still had his eyes on the silver-haired girl. She was standing there alone as if she was waiting for someone. She was nervously clenching on her navy blue laptop bag and glancing left and right.

"Hey Rogue..you can handle this by yourself right?"

"Huh no actually because after this we have to hang the fly-"

"Okay, thanks!" Sting rushed off to Yukino.

"Baka," Rogue muttered.

Sting POV

What is she up to... I was on top of some tall trees, gazing down upon her. I look like a stalker but I need to ensure her safety.

"Oi Yuki!" A male voice called out.

Both Yukino and I swiftly turned our heads to the right.

Oh, I finally get to meet that bastard.

"U-uhm Hello Akito-Sama.." Yukino stammered.

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