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Gajeel POV

The others might have not noticed that I snuck out with Pantherlily. I was following shrimp and Mike to the library that we went to on our first day here.

"Juvia influenced you a lot huh?" Pantherlily chuckled.

I furrowed my eyebrows and slung him on my shoulders. "We have no time to waste! They're going to the library!" I exclaimed while running into the building.

Like a ninja, I quietly tiptoed behind the shelves and peered at shrimp and Mike who had just gotten a table.

"I have so much homework!" Shrimp giggled.

Strange. I thought people hated homework?

"Tell me about it. I have a project on Fairy Tales." Mike sighed.

"That's way better than having 5 worksheets worth of Algebra." Shrimp laughed.

Her hand was on the table so Mike placed his hand over hers.

"It's been a while hasn't it?" Mike smiled.

Shrimp nodded. "I miss going out with you but finally! We can spend some quality time together."

They went about doing their work and laughing quietly among themselves. I felt envy built inside of me. I have no right to punch Mike and after what Gray has done, it'll be ironic if I punched Mike using my powers.

I saw Levy glanced at the side for a bit before facepalming. She walked towards me and death glare at me.

"Yes, Gajeel Redfox." She said through gritted teeth.

I sheepishly smile. "Hello, Levy Mcgarden!" I looked at Mike who stared at me with a bland expression. But on the other hand, Levy looks furious.

"Hey, Levy! Have you seen my glasses?" The librarian, Ms Carter, yelled.

Levy sighed and her frown turned into a sweet smile. "I'm coming Ms Carter!" She ran towards the librarian.

I walked and sat on Levy's seat.

"Oh and hi to you too...Mike..?" I wasn't sure of his last name.

He looks extremely calm but at the same time, I sensed a dark aura.

"Mike. Mike Redfox." He said coldly

My eyes widened. "Wait Redfox?"

He didn't display any emotions. "Any problem with my father's name?" He asked.

I stared at him in disbelief.

"No. No problems at all."

"Hey, I'm ba- WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY SEAT!" Levy exclaimed.

She tried to push me off but I didn't even move. I got up and walked to Pantherlily who was still behind the book of shelves.

"That guy's name is Mike Redfox?" Pantherlily pointed out.

I didn't answer, instead, I carried him in my arms and sprinted home. The others must know about this. Before I could reach home, I noticed it was raining heavily. But this wasn't normal rain..this something I've known way back in Phantom Lord.

Juvia POV

Jekku brought me to a fancy restaurant. We're waiting for our food right now.

"Hey, Juvia-Chan.." Jekku said with a slight frown plastered on his face.

"Yes, Jekku-Sama?" I said worriedly.

"Are you and Gray Fullbuster just friends?" His bangs covered his eyes.

Do You Remember Me? [completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now