Jekku X Juki

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A/N guys pls don't hate Jekku, I tried to make him good and lovable dhwksb and he's my favourite counterpart also this is dedicated to NataliaRavenX cos she's been with me ever since the early chapters

"Juki just..what are you doing.." Jekku groaned as he face palm.

"Well Mai said to be a good wife I have to cook for my Husband," Juki said monotonously while pouring chicken soup into two white shiny bowls.

"Yeah but you didn't have to do that, let alone you didn't have to break into my house for the third time this week," Jekku frowned and folded his arms, "We aren't even married yet," Jekku added.

Juki put down the metal pot, "Jekku." She said seriously, "Do you think I'm unfeeling and not affectionate? Do you ever question whether I loved you from the start?" Juki let her bangs cover her eyes.

Jekku unfolded his arms and gulped. He didn't know what to reply.

"I-I uhm well. That's complicated," He stammered quietly.

"It isn't," Juki answered.

Jekku sighed in defeat and stuff his hand in his pockets, "Sometimes I question whether you even cared about this relationship. About me. Sometimes I just wanna know what's going on inside your head. Do you really love me or..or are you just pitying a loser like me?" Jekku confessed.

A/N you see, Jekku wasn't always the popular kid you know. Before he met Juki, he was a loser and someone everyone would bully. He's often labeled the geek of the school.

Juki took out the gloves on her hands and jumped over the kitchen counter, causing Jekku to take a step back.

"W-Wait Nani?" He stuttered when suddenly, Juki wrapped her arms around him.

"Okay you may shut up now," Juki nuzzle her nose on Jekku's grey shirt.

"Juki.." Jekku called out.

"I know I'm not the perfect partner but I'm trying. Maybe you can't see that but expressing love is truly difficult for me. It hurts to see you constantly sending me flowers from your classroom or sending me photos of cute dogs with hearts through WhatsApp but I couldn't do the same. I swear I care," Juki whispered in a gentle tone.

Jekku hugged her tighter, "I'm sorry for doubting you but..sometimes when I approach you, you ran away or ignore me..are you embarrassed to be with a geek like me?" He said, about to burst into tears.

"Your geek-like personality is what makes you different from others," Juki let go of him and cupped his cheeks—she and Jekku were the same height, "I was embarrassed but not cause of you. I've never felt love before and whenever I see you, my heart goes boom," Juki finally smiled and chuckled abit.

Jekku felt his heart flutter. Though Juki seems cold and distant most of the time, there are moments where she really is tender nice. And getting reminded once in a while that she loved him, was good enough.

"Though," Juki said whole dragging the letter 'o', "ever wanted to change your hairstyle a bit? So the other kids won't tease you, I can't keep on breaking their dicks everyday for hurting you," Juki stated blatantly.

"Wait you what?" Jekku sort of shouted.

Juki grinned and pat his cheeks, "Take a joke, will you?" She gave him a peck on the lips, "Let's have dinner."

"Wait I'm not done," Jekku timidly and gently hold onto her wrist, "Haircut? Can you cut my hair? My mom always made me cut a bowl haircut," Jekku mumbled.

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