I Don't Need A Hero

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Narrator POV

Natsu stared at the scene, wide eyed. He wanted to help Lucy out but he knew that there could be a chance Lucy would hate him even more for bugging her life.

Suddenly, one of the man charged towards Lucy holding a penknife.

"I have to help." Natsu mumbled as he sprinted towards Lucy.

Lucy seemed to notice the man's attack and jumped on top of him; using his shoulders to help her safely reach the ground.

Unfortunately, the man swiftly turned around and elbow her stomach, causing her to tumble down the drain.


"What the hell?" The man that was clung onto Naokatsu released him and ran for his life.

"Ouch!" Lucy muttered as she held her bruised stomach and slowly stood up.

Naokatsu collapsed on the ground and looked up at Natsu. "W-What sorcery was that?" He stuttered.

Natsu held out his hand. "C'mon get up. You alright?" Natsu asked.

Yes, Natsu felt uncomfortable being around Naokatsu since he was with Lucy but that doesn't mean he had to be mean to him. Unlike how someone cough Gray cough was to Jekku.

Naokatsu reluctantly accepted Natsu's hand. "Thank you." He said.

Natsu nodded and quickly sprinted to Lucy. "Lucy!" He exclaimed while grabbing her arm and helping her up.

"What the- NATSU!" Lucy took her hand back. Her eyes widened.

"If Natsu is here, wouldn't that mean the others also found out that I snuck out? Oh no.. Erza and Mira." Lucy thought to herself.

She had one arm hugging her stomach and started limping back home.

"Lucy I think it's best you res-" Natsu said but Lucy sighed.

"I'm fine Natsu. But what are you doing here?"

"Levy told me and the others that you went to sleep but I didn't buy it." He said.

Lucy looked down at her scrapped knees. "Thanks for helping.."

"But What was that fire though?" Naokatsu questioned.

Natsu shrugged. "Maybe you aren't alright. There was no fire." He denied.

Naokatsu's lips part but no words came out as he questioned whether he really did saw fire.

"I should head home now." Lucy said as she trudged her way out the alley.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong arms lift her up.

"Ah!" She squealed as her feet lost contact with the ground.

"Natsu! Put me down!" She demanded while flailing her arms in the air.

Natsu was carrying her bridal style. "Jeez calm down Luce. I'll carry you home. Don't think that I can't smel- i mean see the blood on your knees and your stomach." Natsu grunted.

Lucy immediately stopped moving and shyly looked away. She didn't know what to do. If this was when they first met, she would've kicked him in the balls. But she instinctively trusted Natsu. Like her gut told her it'll be alright.

"Okay but touch me in the wrong places and you'll no longer have an arm." She taunted calmly.

Natsu sighed and nodded. "As you wish." He looked down at Lucy and grin a little. "My princess."

Lucy blushed madly. She felt her heart racing and everything felt like a blur. "Okay whatever." She huffed.

"Why is everyone being a Tsundere?" Natsu whined.

Lucy's blush faded away. "Hey! I'm not a Tsundere! Have you met Juvia? That woman wouldn't breathe the same air as Gray."

Natsu began their journey home while Lucy whined about why she totally isn't the Tsundere around here.

Naokatsu watched them from behind as they disappeared. He smiled and sighed softly.

"Mission almost completed, Erza." He whispered.

He looked up at the starry nights and closed his eyes for a brief moment. The stars gleaming at night reminded him of a girl he used to love.

"I miss you so much Lacy. I know it's been roughly a year since the accident but I really wish I could be there with you. I know it's not right to 'take' a Lacy that isn't mine, it's clear that this Lacy—or Lucy belonged to Natsu and he's trying to bring her home to wherever they came from but how I wish she was you. I just want to restart life with you." A tear rolled down his cheeks.

He quickly wiped it and broke into a small smile.

"You were gone too quickly..and so were the others."

A/N can y'all guess why the people have the same name and features as the ones back home? ;)

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