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Narrator POV

Erza swung her sword recklessly left and right—attempting to hit Shadow at least once but he kept speeding away and dodging every attack.

"Soul extinctor!" Mira shot.

Shadow dodged it again but Mira quickly punched him before he could run away further.

"Dammit" Shadow spat out blood and wiped the wound at the end of his lips, "You're good,"

"Levy! We need the spell now!" Kagura yelled.

Levy nodded and pressed her palms together. "Everyone gather together!"

"In a circle!" Juvia continued.

Shadow smirked and jumped in the air. "Try finding each other after this! My trump card! SHADOW DIVINE!"

Lucy POV

I felt a strong wave pushed my abdomen to the back. Everyone started to fall backwards, unable to process what was happening or prevent it.

My eyes widened as I felt the wave push me far—like a bomb.

I shut my eyes closed and felt my body descending. The harsh rocks pricked my back and arms, grass was poking my back. I felt a warm liquid oozing out of my legs.

"Dammit," I cringed.

I fluttered my eyes opened and slowly sat down. My body was covered with scratches and traces of blood.

I looked up and realised I was in a forest.

"H-he sent us back to the forested area.." I murmured.

I pressed my palm against my thighs and pushed myself up. I leaned against the bark of a tree and pressed my wounds with torn pieces of my shirt.

"I need to find the others," I sighed softly.

"Don't push yourself Lucy," I heard Kagura said.

She was standing in front of me, in perfect condition.

"Natsu! I found Lushee!"

"Great Job Happy!"

"That's Kagura too!"

Oh no. Don't tell me he's here.

Erza POV

Ugh..what happened? My head is throbbing and i feel something rock-like against my calves.

I slowly opened my eyes and gingerly got into a kneeling position as my knees had no wounds on them.

"He separated us," I groaned in anger. I gazed up at the aqua sky and shut my eyes closed. "I need to find the others,"

"Is that your Girlfriend, Jellal?"

"She's not my Girlfriend!"

Dammit. Now is not the time to see him.

Levy POV

"AHHH!" I cried out loud.

I punched the ground with my small fists and panted, "We were almost—" I took a deep breath, "Almost," the word rolled out my tongue.

I sighed and brush the dirt with the my dress, "Yucks," I commented as I stared at the soil remains covering my hands.

"I need to find the ot-"

Thunder roared. Water droplets followed after and stained my dress slowly.

I know this rain. Suddenly, I heard heavy footsteps running behind me.

Do You Remember Me? [completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now