New Boy?

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A/N it's been a while since I wrote a NaLu chapter ;(

Lucy POV

"Thank you so much for letting us crash Manami." I chirped happily.

"No problem!" She murmured with a rubber band pressed in between her lips and her two arms tying a ponytail.

"I bet Erza will kill us for running away but I just couldn't see that ice bastard's face." Juvia huffed.

Manami tied her ponytail and grinned. "You guys should go back to your house tonight. Your sisters are worried for you."

We were walking to school. Last night, we ran to Manami's house because we couldn't see those two dorks' faces. Since we share the same classes as our sisters, meeting them is going to be unavoidable.

"JUVIA! LUCY!" A female voice roared.

We sensed a dark aura coming from behind and heavy footsteps.

"Fuck." Juvia whispered under her breath.

We stood rooted to the ground, not daring to turn back or not we'll be turned into stone by Erza.


We felt her arm pulled our shoulders to face her. Manami ran away. Oh great.

"Yo Erza," I said cooly.

Erza furrowed her eyebrows and "your dead" was written all over her face. "Explain. Now." She demanded, speaking every word clearly.

"We couldn't see their faces." I sighed softly.

There was silence.

Erza's expression soften. "Okay fine..but don't run away without telling me. I was worried sick." She frowned.

"Gomen." Juvia said, giving Erza a slight respectful bow.

"Where are the others?" I asked, peering over Erza's shoulders to see if the others are there.

"Oh they've already reached school." Erza said as she began walking.

The three of us walked to school together, I'm glad Erza fathom our reasons for running away last night.

Erza explained to us what happened last night and how was Kagura. Blah blah blah

I can't help but feel an aura around Erza. Not a dark aura or a scary one. Like..I couldn't explain it.

A magical aura?

Whatever that means.

*time skip*

I was in History class. The teachers were Mr and Mrs Gemini. I know. It's weird to have two teachers but they insisted on teaching as a pair. Juvia wasn't in the same history class as me but guess who was.

Yeah you guessed it.


Natsu and Gray were supposed to look after Kagura at the hospital but Kagura didn't want anyone to be with her. So she literally kicked those two out of her room, that's why they had to go to school.

"Psst Luce. I don't understand it.." Natsu called out.

I turned my head around and stared at him. He has the audacity to talk to me after everything that had happen yesterday.

"Ask someone else." I derided and folded my arms.

Natsu frowned and I felt..guilty..? He turned to face the teacher again. I put down my hand and sighed heavily which caught his attention.

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