Frozen Heart

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Romeo POV

If Levy and Lucy doesn't remember us then wouldn't that mean..Wendy doesn't remember me either?

"Guys..where are we gonna stay..this isn't our realm anymore.." Rogue asked.

"Well I did bring some jewels," Jellal took out a brown pouch.

"Maybe we should get a hotel," Lyon suggested, I saw him briefly glanced at Meredy who paid no attention to him.

"I'm sleepy!" Happy cried while tugging onto Natsu's pants.

Natsu squad to his level and spread his arms. Happy groggily walked in his arms. Natsu then enveloped his arms around Happy and picked him up like a baby. "I saw a white building that said hotel over there. Let's check it out," Natsu suggested as he point to a tall white building with windows covering its walls.

We walked in the building and booked 2 rooms. Obviously one of us and one specially for Meredy and Minerva. Lyon strangely had a sour look when we mentioned separate rooms.

"You don't accept jewels..?" Jellal asked.

The man behind the counter shook his head left and right. "Are your jewels legitimate?"

"Well of course they are!" Gray interrupted.

Jellal passed the man a small blue jewel for him to examine it. "This is real.." I heard the man muttered under his breath.

"What do we pay with if you won't accept jewels?" Minerva questioned.

"Cash," The man began to rubbed his pointing finger with his thumb.

"How about we exchange jewels for cash? I'm sure jewels would be worth some cash," Gray proposed.

"Hmm very well. I'll accept your jewels."

*time skip to when they're in their rooms*

Meredy POV

I can't get my mind off Juvia. I'm really worried for her. Ever since she went missing, I've been biting my nails and now 2 of my fingernails are bleeding!

"Meredy!" Minerva yelled.

I lost my trains and of thoughts and saw Minerva holding my shoulders. "Y-Yes?" I stuttered.

She sighed heavily and let go of me before plopping down on the hotel bed. "You alright? You've been spacing out a lot."

I fall backwards and lie my back on the bed. "I'm worried for Juvia. The girls don't remember us then how would we bring them home? Plus! This world is so weird. Firstly, their currency isn't jewels. Secondly, have you noticed that there are absolutely no magic aura around here? The only magic aura here are from us! When I saw Levy back then, she had some sort of magical aura but it was subtle and almost not noticeable at all!" I ranted.

I sat up and saw Minerva tapping her chin. "I noticed it too. She also wasn't wearing her usual orange dress and she didn't have her guildmark." Minerva pointed out.

"So I'm worried!" I whined.

Minerva simply smiled at me and put down her finger from her chin. "We'll get them back, don't worry. We'll see Levy tomorrow and we can ask her some questions alright? If she really doesn't remember then we can search up some memory retriever spell or some sort," Minerva reassured.

I looked up at the pure white ceiling, without realising a tear fell from my eyes.

"Hey! Why are you crying!" Minerva panicked.

"Oh nothing," I wiped the tear away and faced Minerva. "Juvia was the one who taught me that you should live for your friends not die for them. I really owe her my life. So when she doesn't remember me, I get worried. I just want her to be back to the good ol happy Juvia."

"Honestly," Minerva crossed her legs. "I miss Yukino. I don't know how she's doing right now. I hope she's okay too."

I smiled and nodded.

"You know.. besides Juvia, there's a certain someone who's been trying to grab your attention since day 1," Minerva teased.

"Eh? Who?" Who could possibly be interested in me?

Minerva bursted out laughing. "Lyon, silly! He really likes you but I guess you're soo focused on your Juvia that you don't notice him, do you?"

I blinked. "Well yeah because I love Juvia not Lyon," I bluntly stated.

Minerva smiled at me. "Whatever rocks your boat! Time to go to sleep," she yawned.

Lyon likes me..?

Lyon POV

I've been trying my hardest to grab her attention but with our current situation, i think she rather think about Juvia than me. Everybody was asleep, I could barely sleep due to Natsu and Gajeel's loud snoring. I'm at the balcony, observing the city. Everything is passing too fast. It's hard to believe we're not in our realm anymore. This is a completely new realm that we're unfamiliarised with. I just hope we can get the girls and go home!

"Oi Lyon, What are you doing here?"



He stood beside me and looked out at the city as well. "About Juvia?"


"I thought you're over her?" This time, he looked at me.

"Yes I am. She's all yours," I sighed heavily. My heart belongs to another anyways.

I glanced at Gray who was fighting the urge to blush.

"Oh come on! You're still in denial about your feelings?" I smirked.

"I don't like her. I'm only doing this because she's my nakama. Nothing more than that."

"You act as if your heart is frozen but in reality, Juvia thawed it a long time ago."

"Shut up Lyon!" Gray hissed.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued to smirk.

I saw Gray's angered expression soften. "And how about you? You like Meredy, am I right?"

Now it's my turn to blush furiously. "What? No! That's crazy."

"And you tease me about being in denial!"

"I-is it that o-obvious?" I mumbled.

I heard Gray muttered a 'mhm'. "I mean which boy would ever agree on helping a girl carry her shopping bags while she shop with her best friend if he didn't like her?"

"I believe her heart belongs to someone else." I broke my own heart. I want to believe she likes me back but I know, I'm nothing more than a mere friend to her.

"Well don't give up."

We paused for a while and looked at each other before smiling.

"You too."

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