Your Heart Over Mine

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Levy POV

I fiddled with my uniform as I waited for Mike outside his classroom. Since he's a junior, the people around here are two times bigger than me. They intimidated me a lot, they're not mean or anything—juniors are pretty nice but they're so loud and..chatty.

Suddenly, his class room door opened revealing Juvia and Lucy—chatting about something.

"Lu-Chan! Juvia!" I called out.

They stopped talking and smiled at me. "What is Levy doing here?" Juvia asked.

Oh yeah. Juvia began talking in third person now. I assume Gray managed to make her remember.

"Nani Juvia. Why do you talk in third person?" Lucy looked at Juvia with a raised eyebrow.

"Juvia just wants to."

Lucy sighed, knowing Juvia is Juvia and would do literally anything she wanted.

"But why are you here?" Lucy looked at me. "Don't the big kids scare you?" She teased.

I blushed in embarrassment and puffed my cheeks. "I'm waiting for Mike."

Juvia pursed her lips. "But Levy. Didn't you and Mike break up? Juvia texted him a few days ago and he said Levy and him were no longer seeing each other."

My heart sunk. Mike broke up with me? Without even telling me? What sorcery is this?

Suddenly, a group of boys went out the classroom—all cluttered around one boy in the center.

"The project is due next Friday man. Why did you finished it and submit it so fast?" One boy said.


I know that voice. It was Mike. He always had that gentle yet calming voice which I love..but..I like Gajeel now.

"Mike!" I exclaimed while squeezing through the crowd of boys. "There you are. Haven't seen you in a while." I chuckled nervously.

Mike glanced at the boys, indicating them to go away as this would be a private conversation. The boys instantly nodded and scurry away.

"Yes Levy?"

"Uhm..haven't seen you in a while."

"True." He said with a bland expression but his face still displayed a hint of kindness—maybe even sorrow.

"So how's things?"

"Great actually." Mike replied.

That's a lie. I can see right through him.

I gulped and nodded my head slowly. The question has been urging to roll out my tongue but..what's stopping me? I looked at my school shoe and sighed heavily.

"Are we..I mean..did you..I mean..are we broken off?" I asked shyly.

Mike shrugged and shifted his weight to his other foot. "Have your heart always been with me? Or has it been with.." he looked away. "Another guy?"

"Another guy? No! Impossible. I loved you but..I love someone else now." I confessed.

There's no point in lying, is there?

"I know." Mike chuckled painfully and messed up my hair a little. "You go make some good memories with Gajeel alright? See ya 'round campus." He walked away before I could answer.

He sounded as if he was in pain—as if he was holding back the tears. I pitied Mike. He had a rough past. His parents really threw him in the shed and spent their attention on his older Brother. He really tried his best to impress his parents but it never works. He was diagnosed with stage 1 or 2–I couldn't remember exactly, cancer a few years back and I remembered everyone feeling so depressed for him but he stayed cheerful. He has a pure heart.

He fallen in love with the girl who helped him get through his chemo. The girl isn't me. It's this realm's version of me who died a year ago because of an accident. I learnt a lot from Saeko—she loves to spill tea.

That girl was name Himari. Himari Mcgarden. I took over her place when I came here and I took over her memories—pretending to be her. But that's all I know about this realm.

"Gomen Levy." Juvia said from behind me.

I sighed softly and faced them. "Couldn't lie to him anymore, can I?"

"Mhm." Lu-chan smiles softly. "C'mon lets get to our classes." She began walking ahead of Juvia and i.

"Levy..What do you think Himari would think of this?" Juvia whispered.

I shrugged. "I don't even know what type of person she is. Besides, I'm not her, Mike is in love with her not me."

"I wonder if the students here actually recognised that we're not from around here."

I shrugged again. "Maybe they did realise but if so, they wouldn't be acting clueless."

Yukino POV

"You're released early I see." I smiled at Wendy who was standing beside Romeo.

"Mhm want to get ahead and go shopping first?" She asked shyly.

Wendy has low self esteem, she didn't like shopping with others because she was afraid they would judge her taste in fashion.

"Why would you shop on the day when the dance is held?" Sting snickered.

"Because girls are crazy!" I exclaimed. "If you tried shopping yesterday, the mall would be congested with shoppers. Nobody shops on the day of the event so the Malls would be less crowded." I explained.

Sting formed his lips to an 'o' shape and grinned.

"Aye Romeo my boy. Let's buy clothes too!" Sting slung his arm over Romeo who looked nervous.

"Uhm I've never done that but..okay..?" Romeo mumbled.

I giggled and looked at Wendy. "But where's Rogue?"

"He's visiting Kagura-nee." Wendy sighed softly. "He really loves her."

"Then Jellal?" I asked again.

"He's with Erza—touching up at the hall, along with Mira and Laxus."


"Uhm etto. Gray is probably with Juvia." Wendy blushed a little. "He said he had something interesting to show her."

I blushed madly. "Nani? What is he going to do!" I yelled loudly which caught everyone's attention.

I giggled awkwardly and waved my hand dismissively in the air so everyone would mind their own business.

Sting guffawed loudly. "Ice princess is being romantic."

Oh great. He's becoming like Natsu.

"I heard he asked advice from Jellal, Rogue too." Romeo laughed.

"Nani? When did Jellal start giving love advice?" I questioned while imagining  Jellal being labeled as the love guru.

"He's a better love guru than Mira, I have to say," Sting sighed and rubbed his head—the area where Mira kicked him last night for not wanting to be closer to me.

"What?" A girl said.

Everyone slowly turned around in horror and saw Mira holding a brown clipboard in her arm.

"Jellal huh?" She smirked evilly. "He wants to compete with me as the cupid 'round here." She had a demonic evil aura around her and for a moment, we saw her devil form.

She deathly gripped onto her clipboard until it broke in half. She noticed it and smiled sweetly again. "Aw man. Laxus bought me this clipboard."

She pouted and walk away.

"I'm terrified." Romeo shivered.

Wendy smiled at him. "I'll protect you even if I am weaker."

Romeo stood rooted to the ground. Isn't the men suppose to protect the women? Not the other way around?

"Uhm Thanks Wendy But.." he mumbled.

"Yes Romeo-Kun?" Wendy said in her normal gentle polite voice.

Romeo looked away. "Nothing, let's go."

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