The Rainwoman's Emotions

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"W-why not? We worked so hard just to.." Gray felt the tears streaming down his face.

He felt confused. He wanted to act cold and treated it like it was nothing and move on but he felt like being emotional was the only way to connect to Juvia.

"Gray-Sama treated Juvia so badly! She can't take it anymore! She just wants this pain to stop!"

A light blue magic circle appeared and a water lock formed on the storeroom door.

"WHAT THE SHIT-" Sting screamed from outside the storeroom.

Water started flooding in the house.

"This's stopping my magic somehow.." Yukino stared at her palm in horror.

"Iron dragon: roar!" Gajeel shouted but nothing came out.

Water locks formed in every doors and windows, making it impossible to be broken.

"Open!" Erza held her hand up and summon a small weapon, "What the-"

She wanted to summon a sword but a knife cane instead. She groaned in frustration and began stabbing the door, hoping it'll open but to no avail.

"What's causing this?" Romeo said as he quickly lift his chin so the water wouldn't drown him.

"W-water!" Meredy coughed out loud as the water quickly rose up, "It's Juvia! She's doing this!"

"But she has yet to remember, how could she use her magic?" Lyon exclaimed.

"Magic uses emotions," Mira yelled.

"Juvia stop, please," Gray pleaded as the storeroom began filling with water.

"Juvia c-can't, she doesn't know how!" Juvia felt tears at the edge of her eyes.

Juvia could hear screams outside the room.

"Natsu! Evaporate!" Gajeel ordered.

"I can't! This water is stopping my magic," Natsu clenched and the fire sparked but t quickly died down.

"Juvia!" Meredy cried out as she banged on the store room door with her knuckles, "Stop it!"

"Juvia can't! She doesn't know h-how too!" Juvia sobbed as her hair float on water.

Gray looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. The water soon filled up until the ceiling. Everyone quickly scramble and rammed their body against doors or windows but they wouldn't budge.

Gray tried to pulled the storeroom door opened but it was as if it was glued to the wall.

He was having difficulty breathing.

"I have no choice," he thought to himself.

He swiftly turned his head and saw Juvia at the corner of the store room. She was huddled closed to her knees and she covered her ears with her palms.

"Juvia isn't a rain woman! She doesn't cause pain! All she wants is love! She's capable of being loved!" Juvia repeatedly cried to herself.

The more she shouted with tears, the more the water got rougher. Everyone was being pushed side to side by the current.

"J-Juvia!" Gray took the risk and shouted.

Using his leg muscles, he pushed himself towards her. He grab her arm and pulled her into a hug. He held her head with his left hand and her waist with his right arm.

"Gray-sama..what are you doing?" Juvia sobbed.

Gray kept his lips sealed. He hugged her tighter and tighter as every second passed.

"Gray-sama!" Juvia cried louder.

Gray shut his eyes closed and using his last breath, he shouted.

"Juvia! I love you okay! I've always loved you! I'm sorry I'm such a ding dong and I can't express what I felt! I'm stupid and ignorant and I don't know how good I have things till I lost them.." Gray said.

He felt his senses going numb. He needed air. Although a normal human being could barely hear a sound in water, Juvia heard it clearly.

His grip on her arms loosen as he felt his eyelids getting heavier and heavier.


Was the last thing he heard until everything went black.

Gray POV

"Is he going to be alright?"

"Yes, probably. He isn't injured or anything. Just lost consciousness for a while."

"Damn rainwoman actually lost it and flood the whole house."

I slowly fluttered my eyes open. Wendy was staring at me straight in the eye.

"He's awake!" She shouted.

Lyon and Meredy were the first to ran to me. Lyon has a smile plastered on his face. A smile of relief and happiness.

"I thought you were a goner for a second there," Lyon sighed happily.

"Gray!" Juvia cried as she ran towards me and gave me a hug.

"Woah," I chuckled in shock.

I stroke the back of her head as she sobbed on my neck.

"Juvia is sorry, she didn't know why-"

I looked down on the floor and sighed audibly.

"You really don't want to go home?" I whispered.

I felt her back stiffen a bit.

"Juvia doesn't know. Back here, Jekku loves her and she felt important but back home..Gray-sama treats her so..coldly," Juvia cried softly.

I hugged her even tighter, "Juvia, I promise by my life. I will never hurt you again. Please come home, I mis- I mean we miss you," i felt tears of desperation welling in my eyes.

I've never cried for someone this much or ever felt like I needed someone this much. Her presence filled up so much space and her laughter was melody to my ears. I needed it. But my guts won't ever let me show that I needed it.

"Really?" Her voice was cracking.

"Yes, please?" I mumbled.

She gently hugged me back

"I've always loved you, you do know that right?" She sighed heavily.

"I do! I'm sorry, I didn't show it...I didn't want to...get attached and lose you like I lost so many people," I sounded needy but I am.

I can't let go of this opportunity. I can't let go of her.

I heard her chuckled softly, indicating a good sign.

"Juvia miss you," I could sense her smiling widely.

"I miss you too Juvia-Sama," I felt her heartbeat on my chest.

Is this how a tight hug felt like? It felt nice.

"I'll check up on Lucy, let's hope she didn't drown," Erza walker away.

"Wait!" Levy immediately shouted causing Erza to turn around and face her.

" okay! I casted a spell on her before everything uhm," Levy stuttered as she thought about what to say.

"That's good?" Erza smiled tentatively.

"Has anyone seen Natsu? He disappeared the moment the flood was gone," Romeo mumbled.

"Strange, I don't smell Salamander," Gajeel replied.

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