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A/N final chapter guys 😭 or is it..? Imma add abit more extra fluff chapters..

Lucy POV

I felt his warm fingers envelop mine. I took a glance at him and I felt all my worries melt away.

"Together, we are stronger than one," Natsu raised our hands in the air, "We are Fairy Tail, after all, right Luce?" He beamed confidently.

"Yeah," I smiled as the last tear drop rolled down my cheeks.

"You won't treat us this way!" Wendy yelled angrily and out of frustration and fear.

Romeo stared at the ground and sighed.

Wendy's eyes averted to him and she slowly frowned. She fiddled with her fingers and drifted her attention to the dry earth.

"Gomen." She whispered.

"It's okay, I know you were under pressure and you were just terrified," Romeo murmured.

Wendy's eyes widened,"But I shouldn't have implied saying that you're weak, you really aren't Romeo," She croaked. "You should've seen yourself in 07."



"Let's kill this motherfu-"

"LAXUS! THERE ARE KIDS!" Mira squealed as she gave Laxus a kick on the knee.

"But Wendy is 200+ years old and my boy Romeo have been exposed to all the vulgarities whenever we had a boys night out," Laxus grinned and Pat Mira in the head.

Mira sighed and massaged her forehead.

Levy held up both her fingers, "I doubt this would work, we can stop now, ya know?" Levy mumbled as she started to glow yellow.

"Nah," Gajeel grinned cheekily.

"What are you imbeciles doing?!" Shadow screamed when a black magic circle surrounded him.

Levy began glowing white as the magic circle grew larger and larger. "Backup plan in case the boys are being annoying shitheads and mess with our initial plan," Levy shouted—secretly feeling content no sacrifices had to be made but this was a huge risk.

"You can do this, Levy," Gajeel thought to himself.

Levy chuckled and brought her hand higher in the air.

In a blink of an eye, everyone started glowing brightly with magic circles underneath them.

"Shit.." Romeo cried as he felt the magic surging out of him, "I don't have enough power.." he panted.

His light began glowing dimmer.

Wendy noticed it and quickly rushed by his side, "It's okay Romeo-Kun! I'm here!" Wendy held his hand they started glowing green together.

"Wendy I'm not weak,"

Wendy took a deep breath."I know you aren't," Wendy smiled a little, "But aren't we stronger together?"


Romeo felt himself smiling a bit when suddenly, someone grabbed his other hand.

"Don't doubt yourself Romeo," Erza chuckled and the three of them glowed red.

"Don't just run off Erza!" Jellal laughed as he grabbed Erza's free hand and they glowed dark blue.

"I want in too!" Yukino held Jellal's other hand with Sting on her other.

They glowed bright yellow.

"This magic energy is.." Shadow stared at them in fear, unable to shift a muscle.

Do You Remember Me? [completed ✔️]Where stories live. Discover now