Flirt Lessons By Jellal

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A/N I made a mistake for one of the chapters xd I updated the chapter of "too late". It's minor thoughh

Narrator POV

"Hello..?" Natsu mumbled as he peaked through the house door.

It was already 11 in the night and everyone had already slept. They were in the living room. Minerva had Lily in her arms and Happy resting on her head while she leaned against the wall.

Meredy and Lyon were leaning against on another. Lyon hand was above Meredy's but she didn't notice it before she fall asleep.

Erza..well Erza was on lying on top of Jellal and had her feet kicking Jellal's chin. Jellal looked uncomfortable as hell.

Mira was also on top of Laxus but she was snuggled in his chest with Laxus' furry jacket draped over them as a blanket. Mira had 4 cameras in her hands.

Romeo and Wendy were at the couch. Romeo had his head on the left side of the sofa and Wendy at the other. Both had a purple blanket on them and a cat was sleeping on top of their legs.

Yukino and Sting were cramped into one armchair—they fit together somehow. Sting had his arms protectively around Yukino.

Rogue had his hand on his phone—which was on his chest and he was snoring loudly.

Gray, Juvia, Levy and Gajeel were no where to be seen but upon further inspection, Natsu realised that Gray and Juvia were hugging in the storeroom—deep asleep as well.

"Sheesh the storeroom out of all the places on earth?" Natsu thought to himself.

Natsu brought Lucy to the toilet and sat her on the toilet bowl while he grabbed a first aid kit. He kneeled in front of her and started treating her wounds.

"Do you know how to treat injuries?" Lucy muttered tentatively.

Natsu didn't face her. He hummed a 'mhm' which could be an unsure statement and a firm one as well.

"How about waking up Wendy?"

"She's with Romeo right now." Natsu didn't want anyone to interrupt their time together.

Lucy frowned and nodded. She also didn't want to disturb her little sister's time with her crush. Lucy kept quiet and observed Natsu as he gently dab some sort of cotton ball, with ointment, on her wound.

"Ouch." Lucy whined.

Natsu looked at Lucy and stopped dabbing the cotton ball. "I'm sorry." He sighed.

Lucy shook her head left and right. "No it's alright. Thanks for at least helping me." She replied.

The blood had already dried up so Natsu placed a plaster on her scraped knees.

"Feels good?" He asked.

"Mhm better."

"Wait one more tiny thing." Natsu leaned in and gave Lucy's injured knee a peck.

Lucy blushed furiously. "What was that for?"

Natsu shrugged. "Uh whenever I had an injury, Igneel would kiss it after treating it." He smiled a little when mentioning Igneel.

"Igneel? Is he your Father?"

"Well." Natsu bit his bottom lips. "Sorta yea."

Lucy saw the uncomfortableness in his face so she stopped pressing on the matter.

After Natsu was done with her knees, he stood up. "Okay let me see your stomach." He said.

Lucy reluctantly lift up her white blouse—that she wore under her black sweater.

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