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Lucy POV

I was at the library with Erza trying to organise a girls day out so that we can prepare for the dance.

"Hey, Lucy. Do you have a date?" Erza asked, still looking down and writing something in her notebook.

I rest my cheeks on my palm. "I have no one to go with."

Erza raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Didn't that  Leiko guy asked you? He's a freshman right?"

I shivered at the sight of Leiko. Silver High's biggest playboy. What's so good looking about him anyways?

"He's not my type and also, never date a freshman."

Erza chuckled softly. "You're the only girl who hasn't had a crush on him. Who could resist those onyx eyes and orange hair?" Erza said, mimicking some of the girls in school.

I laughed. "I can. I'm surprised Erza. Do you like him?"

Erza sighed. "No. Rumours says it that he has a crush on Ms Aries." Erza whispered while placing her hand on her lips.

I tried to hold in the laughter. "I'm not surprised!!"

"Oh hello." The librarian, Ms Carter, said nicely.

I saw Erza froze but remained calm. I looked to my right and saw Jellal carrying a box of books. He was standing in front of the library counter.

"Hey Ms Carter. Just here to return some books on Levy's behalf."

I saw Erza slowly sliding under the table.

"What are you doing Scarlet?" I teased.

Erza ignored me and slid right under the table. "Nothing."

Just in time! Jellal spotted us and walked in our direction. I felt Erza's palm on my knees.

"Oh is the great Titānia blushing?" I teased even more.

Suddenly, her grip on my knees tighten and I screamed in pain which earned me hushes from the people around.

"What was that for?" I half-shouted half yelled.

She ignored me and stared at the ground.

"Well hello, Jellal!" I greeted.

He placed the box on the table and smiled. "Hello Lucy and..wasn't Erza just with you?" Jellal asked while frantically glancing around.

"Matter of fact." I went down and pulled Erza out by the arm. "Here She is!"

Jellal had a red face. "Hello, Erza.."

"Hi, Jellal.." Erza said while awkwardly scratching the back of her neck.

"Aren't you suppose to help decorate the hall?" I questioned.

He nodded. "Mira said we could go off for the day. I'm exhausted." He laughed.

I noticed a shiny sphere in his pocket. It's what they use to communicate with.

"Can I know what that sphered device is?" I asked curiously.

He held out the ball and gave it to me. Woah what technology is this? I inspected it carefully before pressing a button.

"That's an on button.." Jellal murmured.

"Oh, then what's this?" Erza said while pressing another button.

The screen went blank and Erza went red. "OH MY I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO PR-"

The screen lit up again and what is displayed next, horrified me. It was a photo of Natsu and me..cuddling.

"W-What the.." I mumbled.

Jellal quickly snatched the ball from me and put it in the box of books. "I have to go bye!" He said before running off.

"I messed up," Erza murmured while covering her red face with her palms.

I placed my finger on my chin and walked towards Jellal. He was stocking up the books on the shelves so I quickly hid behind a metal cart filled with books and observed him. I saw the sphere ball lying peacefully in the box.

Maybe...I could just...

I tiptoed towards the box and grabbed the sphere gently in my arms and ran towards Erza.

"You stole his ball!" Erza exclaimed but I immediately placed my index finger on my lips to tell her to shut up.

Erza sighed. "Let's go home. We can find out more about it then."

I nodded and packed the sphere thingy into my pastel pink back bag.

Jellal POV

"Thank you for helping me with the books. Levy is sometimes so busy with her school work till she forgot about her promises to visit me.." Ms Carter said sadly.

"Oh, it's fine!" I smiled.

I placed a dark green book into the shelves and picked up the now empty box.


It's not supposed to be empty.

Where's my lacrima?

I began shaking the box upside down despite it not having anything. Crap.

"Did you lose something Jelly?" Ms Carter asked kindly.

"Uhm no I didn't. And my name is Jellal not Jelly."

"Huh? Jellyfish?"

"No jellal."


"Nevermind. I need to go home now Ms Carter. Goodbye!" I waved hurriedly and rushed off.

"Bye Jalapeño!"

I ran home and saw the door wide open. Someone didn't close the door. I peaked inside and saw a huge card on the floor with scattered roses. On the card was "will you go to prom with me?" And Jekku and Gray were in a death glare off.

"Calm down gu-" Juvia stuttered before Jekku cut her off.

"I'm done. We're done."

I saw a smashed Lacrima on the floor and Natsu staring at it. Is that..MY lacrima..? Natsu has tears rolling down his cheeks and he looks so..hopeless.

Lucy's door was shut closed.

Sting and Yukino weren't there.

Romeo and Wendy were staring at the scene behind the kitchen counter.

Erza was desperately knocking on Lucy's door and trying to forcefully twist the door knob open.

Levy and Gajeel were no where to be seen either.

Minerva was peeking out her door to see the scene unravel.

Lyon was trying to calm Gray down while Meredy was crying.

Laxus and Mira were shaking their heads left and right in disapproval.

Rogue and Kagura were talking to each other with serious expressions till they're oblivious to what's going on. Until Kagura slammed the table with her hands and stood up.

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ROGUE!" Kagura screamed before storming out the house.

What the Mavis happened when I was gone?

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