Naokatsu X Lacy

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A/N So like quite a number of you prollyy wanna know what happened to their counterparts so let's act as if everyone is alive in 07 heh. I hope I can elaborate more on the 07 counterpart personalities and esp the girls' counterparts! you can skip the next few chapters, they're quite irrelevant to the story plot line lmao but also importantly, I want you guys to love the 07 counterparts, except Akito cause I made him so easy to hate, they are just counterparts with different lives. I bet some of you already hated them for snatching your ships away but they're really lovable, I'll make them lovable.

"And she scores!" Lacy screamed in excitement while wailing her arms in the air.

Naokatsu took off his helmet and laughed, "I didn't even bother guarding the post,"

Lacy cracked opened a coca cola can and gulped it down out of thirst, "That's what they all said," She replied.

"So after this," Naokatsu gently placed the equipment in a black sports bag, "Wanna hang out in my place? To study of co-"

"What's with you and studying man?" Lacy teased while shaking the can to see if any liquid was left inside.

"I mean Lacy..your grades are awesome but let's try to move that F to a C? Or B?" Naokatsu timidly answered.

Lacy slightly crushed the can, "I know you're smart Nao but I'm stupid,"

"You don't always have to be." Naokatsu said, knowing fair well where this conversation was going.

"She was my inspiration for everything and now she's gone," Lacy crushed the can and held it in the air.

With ease, she tossed it into the trash can, "And she scores 10 points!" She cheered and fist pump the air.

Naokatsu zip up the black sports back, "But it's been 10 years hasn't it?" Naokatsu said.

Lacy slung her slingbag over her shoulder and began walking off, "It isn't easy, I thought you'd know since you lost your dad as well."

Naokatsu's eyes widened, he quickly ran up to her, "Yes I understand but your grades are suffering! Next year is our final year and we can't afford to fa-"

"Enough!" Lacy shouted with a trembling voice. "I'm not smart, yes I'm aware but I don't need you," she placed the tip of her index finger on Naokatsu's chest and pushed him backwards, "to tell me what to do!" She added.

"Lacy please listen to me..I know it's tough.." Naokatsu said gently, "but I hate seeing you like this,"

Lacy crossed her arms and sighed while walking away—swinging her blonde locks left and right.

"Jeez, boys are so annoying," Lacy thought to herself while walking home.

Suddenly, she halted. She stared at the grey ground and sighed once more.

"I know you're following me Nao, don't hide," Lacy said bluntly as she turned around.

"AH!" Naokatsu said as he fall from a tree, "Ouch! Now I have two bruises on my knee!" He sulked while holding up 2 fingers.

"Oh please, I had a bruise that stretch from my ankle to the back of my knee!" Lacy laughed.

"And you still ran for 2.4 right?" Naokatsu got up and dusted his pants. " please don't be pissed off," he stated.

"I can't even if I wanted to, you're Naokatsu either way,"

Naokatsu blushed a little, "Thanks.." he mumbled.

"Welcome," Lacy didn't even grin, she spun her heels around and began walking again.

"But I'm seriously-"

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