Jekku & Mike

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Narrator POV

The group were walking to school today. Well everyone was the ebullient except for 3 dejected looking boys. I'm sure you know who they are. They were walking behind the group. Gajeel looked pissed. Gray has no emotions but he looked like he was ready to snap anytime while Sting was sighing and slouching with every step he took.

"What has gotten you two so upset?" Gray asked.

Sting straightened his back and sighed once more. "I'm not sure why. Yukino has a boyfriend and I should be really happy for her but instead I feel some sort of melancholy.."

"How about you?" Sting asked while looking at Gray.

Gray bit his lips and put on a tsundere face. "Juvia has a boyfriend but I'm totally okay with it."

"But that face says that you're anything but okay with it." Gajeel snickered.

Gray furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his fist. "You know what? I don't give a fuck! She can date whoever she likes, it's not like I care!" Gray screamed before running in front of the group.

His loud voice caught everyone's attention.

"Oi Gray! Where are you going?" Natsu yelled but it was too late.

His friend ran off already. "DONT COME AFTER ME!" He shouted.

"Ladies and gentleman, Gray has officially became a girl on her period." Lyon sighed.

*time skip*

Gray POV

What is wrong with me? I'm getting so incensed at the littlest things. But mostly, I have an urge to punch Jekku's face.

Wait why do I care? I don't care what happens to Juvia. I'm here to bring a nakama home not get mad because she's dating someone. I mean it's good she found someone, now I won't have a stalker annoying me every 2seconds..but is it weird I miss her stalking habits?

I reached class earlier than everyone. It was home economics. I slumped down my chair and rested my head on the table. No one was in the room.

"Lonely.." I mumbled.

Suddenly, the door slid opened. Revealing the one person I didn't want to see right now. Jekku.

He had his shirt tucked in neatly and his raven hair was perfectly gelled to the side. His blue eyes sparked kindness but to me, they spark EVIL. He was tall and everything about him was..perfect. But whatever.

He scanned across the room and he saw me. I decided to look away. Unfortunately, he walked towards me and sat beside me. We were quiet for a bit.

"So.. You're a friend of Juvia, am I right?" That bastard spoke.

"Yeah so?" I spat coldly.

"Oh nothing." He had a stupid sneer on his face as he pointed to my body.

I looked down and noticed I was naked again. Dammit.

*Time skip to lesson time*

I wasn't paying the slightest attention to the teacher. Mostly because Jekku would answer all of the teacher's questions and wouldn't give others a chance to. Annoying piece of shit. I kept finding reasons to despise him for the littlest things he do.

"Good morning students of Silver High!!" The wall speaker announced.

That's Erza's voice.

"So this year the school would be hosting its first ever school festival. I bet most of you would have no idea on what to do during this festival, so I'll pass the microphone to Mira for a further and more circumstantial explanation."

Then, there were sounds of the microphone being shifted.

"Gooood morning everyone!!" Mira's bubbly voice chirped.

Immediately, all the boys had hearts in their eyes.

"As the president of the planning committee, I'm here to explain more about this upcoming joyous festival."

I rested my head on my palm and listened carefully.

"Every class, including graduating seniors and freshmen, would hold a class booth / activity. The booths could be anything! For example, a cat cafe!"

The girls in the class started to squeal in delight while the boys groaned.

"Or a maid cafe!"

The boys immediately shot from their seat and started fist pumping the air while the girls glared at them.

"I would leave the decision to the class presidents, please make sure to fill in a form, indicating what you would do for the festival and submit it to me by tomorrow 7pm. I'll be in the gym with your fellow student president, Erza. That's all for now! Have a good day ahead." Mira said.

I could imagine her smiling face right now.

Everyone looked at Jekku. "So what are we going to do class pres?" One boy asked.

You got to be kidding me. Jekku is class president? I'm surprise the class hasn't fallen apart.

"Hm I was thinking of a food stall. But I'm open to more suggestions."

"I know! You should have a cheesecake stall. Your cheesecakes are the best Jekku!!" A girl suggested.

I scoffed in disgust.

Jekku placed his finger on his chin and smiled. "Hai! Great suggestion, Naomi."

The girls all started to have hearts in their eyes and drool over him while the boys stare at Jekku with envy.

*time skip*

Gajeel POV

We were dismissed for lunch so all the kids left the classroom except for shrimp and I. Shrimp was siting right in front of me.

I kept kicking her chair and playing with her hair to irritate her when suddenly,

"Can you stop?" A boy grunted.

I turned my head to the right and saw a fairly tall boy shadowing over me. He had black hair and had his fringe pulled to the back. He had dark coloured eyes as well.

Levy turned around and started to blush.

"Oh hi Mike!" She giggled.

Wait...Mike..?...oh..yeah...Her boyfriend.

"Please don't annoy my girlfriend." Mike sighed.

I grinned and stood up. "Oops sorry, didn't mean to make you jealous." I chuckled before leaving the classroom.

Levy POV

"Did he make you mad?" Mike murmured, taking a seat beside me.

I shook my head left and right. "He's a friend. What are you doing here?" I asked.

Mike was an easily jealous person but he's not aggressive and he doesn't show it.

"Why can't I be here? I thought of eating lunch with you only to enter the classroom and see a guy playing with your hair.." he pouted.

I giggled. "Oh stop worrying. He's just a new student. You're the only one in my heart." I stood up and offered him a hand which he took.

"Also, how was class?" I asked.

Mika was a junior so he's older by a year. He's in Juvia's class. Actually, I met Mike through Juvia. He's really sweet and nice. And he's a book worm so BONUS!! Usually during lunch, he would go to my classroom and wait for me so we could eat lunch together but lately, he has been so occupied with projects so we couldn't really hang out.

I was hoping Gajeel and him could be friends but I'm having 2nd thoughts now.

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