chapter 4

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I've been hospitalized for over a week now but my so-called new father never visited, neither Kaleem nor Zahra. I didn't expect to see the angry Habeeb thought but Lailah comes often when she visited her husband.

I was praying, while sitting on my bed because i can't stand and pray properly.
A knock came at the door and the nurse went to check.
I didn't know who it was as my back was facing the door, i completed my prayer and turned only to see Husnah seated on the couch. I nearly jump out of excitement.

"Husnah my dear" i cheered, opening my arms for her, I'm craving for a hug right now. I've been lonely for several days, and Lailah still hadn't come back because her newborn is ill.

"Hey, don't dear me! I didn't come to see you willingly, dad forced me to" she snap

Ohh before I forget, my uncles were very angry at uncle Isah's decision and my stupidity so they disowned me right away but I don't care! I already signed my custody papers. Yet Husnah is uncle Isah's daughter so she has no option than to obey her greedy father's commands.

"I've been calling you, but you're not picking any of my calls. Are you still mad at me?"

"It's justified if i am" she replied without looking at me.

"Are you really not going to forgive me Husnah? I have no one by my side right now, please stay with me even if it's for a while."

"What if you had died?" She burst out crying, "do you think i really don't care? You are my best friend nah!"

I struggle to stand on my feet to go and console her but she stopped me by grabbing my shoulders and shaking me vigorously.

"Ughh, it hurts. Please" i winced

She removed her hands from me and stepped back a little, looking at where i placed my hand on, it's must be my wound that's hurting. She thought.
"You are an orphan Noor, did you forget that? No one ever sincerely care about you, yet you are always acting reckless and dragging trouble upon yourself, did YUSUF really deserve that?"

I don't know when i started crying, i just felt tears wetting my jonny gown's neck.

"I need change Husnah, i just want to know what it feels to have a good life before i die"

"Do you have any hidden disease that is counting your days. or is your life and your destiny in your hands?" She shouted, then continued in a calm voice "do you think taking risk can change what Allah has in store for you?"

I took her hands in my palms and squeeze them hard "Husnah i really need this. Even if i try to avoid going to it, my mind always push me towards it, i tried so hard to keep my greed at minimum but failed at every attempt"

"That's fine then. I will not abandon you for the sake of your mother who made us best of friends when we were Young. But i... Will never trust you with anything again, because someone who cannot overpower his heart can break anyone else's.
And to be honest I'm really disappointed in you!"

"Nooo Husnah pleaasee. Don't say such things, you are breaking my heart" i cried, tighten her in a hug.

"And you think mine is safe? That guy left you on your knees, after making sure you sacrifice everything for him. If you are searching for the reason that makes you miserable--- it's your carefree attitude upon people who don't deserve you."

"Then i can be on my knees again. For you, i really don't want to lose you Husnah you were all i had, please love and trust me once again, i promise this will be the last time i will do something for someone's benefits"

"That proves my word, you did it for him" she hissed, then pulled out a pack from her bag and handed it to me "this belongs to your mom, that's why i took it before they get rid of it. I shall get going" she waved at me and turned to leave.

"Take the earrings with you"

She stopped walking and turned. sending me a weird look, then i continued.

"You bring it back when you're next visiting"

"I'm not sure if I'm coming back anytime soon, as i have to go and learn on how to deal with stupid-fool rich kids. So that i will be careful not to be sued by you for guiding you to the right path--- bye" and with that, she left.

I barely slept that night thinking. even if have all the riches in this world I'm not sure if i will be okay without Husnah, because she's the only support i have and the only person I can rely on in times of hardship. I'm really scared of losing her.

But my worries subside when, early in the morning the next day she appeared in front of my door's threshold holding it's handle.

"Husnah?" I called surprised and delighted at the same time.

Her facial expression seemed gloomy and anger filled her gaze.
Did something happen? Maybe she decided to come and cut ties with me that's why she's studying me for the last time.

I swallowed, and gather a little courage to say "Please come in" but she didn't budge.

I muttered a 'bismillah' and stood up carefully and started walking towards her but stopped when my eyes caught a gaze of the person standing behind her.

That same slim and tall figure, same black and curly hair, same oval hazel eyes, pouted lips, dimples on both cheeks and his Adams apple never hides itself.



The chapter might be little but don't worry 😅, i just feel the need to hear your opinion about Yusuf's existence in this story. we are having three chapters this week insha Allah ,

Jumu'at Mubarak ❤️

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