chapter 12

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Kaleem's POV

I was almost going crazy over the paperwork given to me by the contractors which indicates that all my hardwork for over a week was destroyed, they literally changed everything from the construction plan i gave them without my knowledge, and it's only coming to light when it already failed. I'm beyond frustrated, I'm going to stress myself over it now more than the first time because, one. I'm going to plan all over again, two. i should conquer lost to prevent the poor lousy men from loosing their jobs, and three I've got to apologise to our client which is what I know i never will. He doesn't owe me an apology because i did my work efficiently, i rather pay for everything with my own money than to apologise.

I rest my head back and exhaled deeply. That's why mother always advised me to work with only ROYALA buildings, so i shouldn't get worked out and frustrated Everytime when the contractors failed me. All employees of Royala are practically skilled and 2× more hard working than employees of any company i know, because dad is more serious When it comes to his business than his family. Our mother is the head of the family anyway because she also overpowered him and he has no say when she's around, she's the real boss.

I shoved that thought to the back of my head. I need to concentrate on how to solve this problem first, i have pending contracts and i won't like this to affect their timing. I stood up and walk to the fridge to grab a bottle of water when i catch a glance of Noor from the glass wall of my living room which is facing the backyard garden.

She tip-toed and started inspecting the place, i immediately grew suspicious of her, i mean it's okay for her to come to the garden anytime she wants, but why will she looked like she doesn't want anyone to see her there if she's not hiding something?, I moved closer to the wall and sat on the coffee table as she also sat down inside the hut. I confidently stare at her fair face because i know she cannot see me through the tinted glass.

Moments later a guy appeared and she stood up to greet him but their eyes didn't meet, they both sat down and they talk for a while before Noor angrily stood up. I furrowed my eyebrows as the guy also stood up and tried to reach his hand to her body but she quickly jerked away. I stood up angrily and head for the door, what if he's harassing her? I should atleast save her from harm, she's my sister.

I rushed to the garden but stopped when I saw the guy leaving, he turned once again and waved her a goodbye with a faint smile on his face before he finally left, and she stared at his back until he disappeared from her sight. Are they acquaintance? Did he send her to spy on us? They looked like long-time lovers with the stares and all.

I went back to my bedroom, it was no use going there, Noor is definitely a bad person I'm certain of it. I got ready and head to the hospital Aneel is working at, I can't wait till evening before i talk to him.

I directly went to his office after exchanging greetings with the receptionist because I'm well known there already.

"You are here?" Aneel asked wide-eyed. It's obvious, this is the first time I'm visiting his office after the incident that happened two years ago, after i lost a great part of my life, after i lost myself.

"Yeah, well.. it was urgent and i can't wait" i said as i find a seat for myself across his working table.

"Oh.. please excuse me for a second, i will be back right away" he says and stood up from his seat abruptly and rushed to the door, i followed him with a confused look and tried to stop him but the door squeaks open before we could all do something.

A lady i know well appeared behind it wearing a nurse uniform with file in her hands.

"Doctor Aneel here's the file of the patient you asked for" she said in her soft and low pitched voice that deeply resemble that of her elder sister's.

That's Hudah, Yasmeenah's sister. My Yasmeenah, the Yasmeenah that i killed, with my own hands.

My head suddenly started spinning, I feel like daggers were hit on my forehead, and my vision suddenly becomes blurry, i felt nauseous and uneasy and out of breath. Then suddenly i lose my balance and fall hard to the ground.


"Assalamu alaikum" a low-pitched and soft voice hit my earbuds and i quickly lift up my head to see it's owner.

She's short and small, too small for me, then how could I make her mine?.

"Please sir is doctor Aneel around?" She asked me her eyes inside mine.

I just kept silent calculating my thoughts, i want to make sure if it's love at first sight or not, if i should tell her my intentions right away or later.

"Sir?" She called again.


"Is doctor Aneel around please?"

"I don't know" i lied.

"Okay" she says and turned to leave.

"Wait" i stopped her


"Do you believe that I didn't know where he is?" I asked.

"Yes you said so" she replied flatly.

"You didn't think I'm lying?"

She stared at me for a moment before she slowly nods. "I did"

"Then why didn't you demand the truth?"

"You didn't want to say it, i can't force you"

"You should, i will allow you to" i said surprising her and myself. She just stared at the door handle she was holding.
"are you a nurse here?" I asked to break the silence despite her uniform saying it all.

"No, not yet. I'm still a student"

"So you are an intern?"

She nods, "yes"

"What's your name?"

"Yasmeenah" she replied pouting, I can tell she's growing tired of my questions, but she looks cute doing that.

"You've got a nice name.. I'm Kaleemullah"

"Word of Allah" she murmured underneath her breath but i heard her. I can't deny my sense of hearing is quite strong.

"Yes and I'm doctor Aneel's friend"

"Okay" she stated her head down playing with her finger.

"But I'm not a doctor"


"I'm an architect"

"Okay" she kept answering uninterested.

"And i like you"

"Okay. Wait... What?" She almost shout frightened, and horror filled her gaze.

"Yes i like you" i repeat.

Kaleem was one straight forward guy you will never meet😅 do you like him like that or should we make some changes? And OMG many things are happening on both sides so the POV will be changing more quickly and the chapters will be shorter, but i will be updating more often insha Allah.

Much love ❤️
Ummu Najma 🥰

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