chapter 37

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(A.N; i posted the very first chapter that got more than 70 comments in just two hours yesterday. i was actually really happy and surprised at the same time as to why you guys are just celebrating and not curious about where that proposal comes from and why? I mean don't you find it really weird that out of nowhere kaleem suddenly wanted to marry Noor? Do you really think it's just love or something else?)


Kaleem's POV


"You shouldn't do that mother, you can't betray the one who sacrifice her life to save our blood"

She smirked and dismissed her lawyer telling him that she will contact him after we finalized the issue.

She turned to me after he left, caressing my cheek with a smile on her face, and it really makes me nervous. I've never seen this side of mother before, she's not actually nice to everyone but she's not horrible either.

"You are still a boy kaleemullah, you've just grown tall but you still think like a kid. I've noticed you getting attached to that girl, but let me tell you she can not be loyal, she's dangerous, she might try to acquire everything after we are gone, she cannot even hide her greediness so we can't trust her"

I removed her hand from my face and holds it between my palms, trying to convince her by keeping my voice down.
"I first thought like that mother, i even had that feeling that she was a spy sent by anonymous person to destroy us. But i later realize that she's just a simple orphan, young and naive, striving to survive in this cruel world."

She laughed shaking her head "that's why I said you are still a boy, you are blinded by innocence that's why you think everyone is innocent. But i will set things right okay? Now silently sign on these papers"

"Mother please! Give her even if it's half of Zahra's share. just don't let Noor like that please." I begged.

"It's not like we're dying anytime soon, so you should advise her to study hard and we'll get her a job after she graduated, then she can be able to take care of herself and not depend on us anymore".

What if i die soon? Who will take care of her? What if Noor couldn't make it and fails? What if they throw her out of the house immediately after I'm dead? What if she face even more difficulty than she had before?.

I turned and left the room. I really have to do something but what?.
I removed my phone from my pocket and started calling Aneel, he's the only person i can trust now when it comes to Noor, i just hope he has a solution to my problem.

"Aneel how can i transfer all my inheritance to Noor" i blurted immediately after he picked the call.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Just tell me how I'm going to do it if you know, like the legal way. So that nobody can snatch it from her even after I'm dead"

"Okay, I don't know much about law but do you have the inheritance papers?"

"No" i exhaled. "It's still with my parents"

"Then I don't know any other means. Had it been you two are married then..."

"Then i could legally transfer my shares to her right? Marriage! That's the answer, thank you"

"What the... wait.."
I didn't get to hear what he's going to comment and cut the call.

I went back to my room and got dressed, then head directly to the company, into the director's office to meet father.


"Dad i want to talk to you regarding something important" i said without much hesitation.

He offered me the seat in front of his desk.

"Sit" he said and cross his fingers under his chin giving me his full attention.

"Father i want to get married. together with Fatimah please" i announced, hesitating this time.

He just chuckled "who do you want to get married to?" He asked.

"Noor, i love her!"

"But why the rush? I'm not going to stop you from marrying whoever you want, but the wedding is just in 3 days that's 4 days from now"

"Please dad, i want to fulfill Innah's wish so that she'll stop taunting you"

He stared at me for a while, trying to find the truth from my eyes.
"Your reason is not legit Kaleem, i just hope you are not forcing yourself into something bad. But I'll talk to your uncles about it, we'll see what we can do"

I feel so glad that he didn't say he will discuss it with mother, and i hope he won't untill everything is finalized.

I stood up delighted "thanks father" i said with a wide and sincere grin on my face and he smiled back "may Allah bless you with a great and happy family"

"ameen" i answered as i left the office.

I went back home and tried calling Noor's number, when she didn't pick up i ask the maids about her whereabout and they told me she's at Zahra's henna party but it's ladies only party so I can't go there.
I send one of them to call her for me and i waited in the living room.

While waiting, i called a journalist. A woman in her mid 30s, a divorcee, whom had helped me save the prestige of my family when that incident of 2 years ago happened and Yasmeenah died. She saved us from the world and the media so I've been in contact with her since then.

"Hello Mr kaleemullah" she greeted.

"Miss Abdu, i think i time has come to pay for the favor i owe you, i have a great piece for you"

"Really? Wow! A celebrity crush?"

"No, celebrities wedding. You should write this: kaleemullah Ali Omar is getting married to Noor Ali Omar in the next 3 days"


"You should hurry up, the invitation card is going public in 1 hour"

"Ya Allah, i might get 3 month worth salary today for this piece. Thanks Mr Kaleem"

I disconnect the call when i saw Noor coming inside.


"You know i was looking for you don't you?" I spoke from behind her while she was about to pass.

She turned to me and answered "no, nobody told me"

"Then why are you coming inside now?"

"Umm... I was going to my room to do something"

I nodded "ok sit down, let's talk first" i pointed at the couch behind her.

She did as i said and i also sat opposite to her, hesitating before i spoke.

"Noor let's get married" i stated bluntly Looking straight into her eyes.

She stood up abruptly. "Yah Kaleem are you crazy?" She whispered in disbelief.
I know that's what she might think that I've run mad or something, but i have to do this for her.

"No, but i will soon go crazy if this marriage won't happen. Let's get married in the next 3 days together with Aneel and Zahra!"

"But whyy?" She whined.

I didn't hide anything and explained what happened earlier to her and added with "i will transfer my shares to you as soon as we get married"

She scoffed flabbergasted "but i didn't tell you i want it!"

"You don't, but you will need it in the future. i have no children nor any other family, you are my only responsibility now, and i vowed to fulfilling it"

"What about Hudah then?!!"



Ummu Najma 🥰

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